Sunday, November 18, 2012

Cacophany of Reasonableness

The Enigma of the Flashlight
( A commentary on the video "Symphony of Science")

There is an overcompensation that comes with researched and educational ideas. With the exception of Richard Feynman's comments, what I see here are people who have become drugged by information into a state of emotional superiority. Every space we add on the checkerboard adds several more "missing spaces" around the edges, but they are so enamored of the spaces they have they think they have concieved the whole board.

If one is not humbled by knowledge, if we do not understand that our light does increases the darkness, then we have tunnel vision, and can only see our accomplishments and not the world as it is.

"For now we see through a glass, darkly." - 1 Corinthians 13:12

Humility and reasonableness never came out of a text book.

Monday, November 5, 2012

But Our Flag Was Still There?

Further Adventures of New Jersey

More Pictures from New Jersey

Morning in New Jersey

Another Cold Night Falls
Power Companies Hard At Work

Wires Down/Wires Up
Downed Trees Remain...

...And More Downed Trees...
...And Nervous Households

The Flag Was Still There,
But Is It Success or Distress?

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Ranting on Hurricane Sandy

Sandy came and went and New Jersey will not be the same for a long time. I wish I could tell stories of heroism and pulling together, but my experience of Sandy was the insanity of other people. When I realized the storm was going to be historically bad I put four 2 liter bottles of water in my freezers (next to the bread and milk I always keep frozen for emergencies, and as usual, on Saturday I filled my tank for the week. On Monday I was called into work for a forty hour stretch, but otherwise (including Halloween Costumes, Party for the kids at work, and a haunted house) my week was typical. I drove 300+ miles on 2/3rds of a tank of gas, with no extraneous trips, or purchases. All along the highways, the usual 75 mph traffic was driving 85 (90?) cutting each other off and generally being a nuisance. At 50 mph, to save gas, I was the obstruction they were all honking and screaming at in the slow lane. When I was driving home from work, at 1:30 am or 2:30 am during the week, I saw them waiting 3-5 hours on long gas lines in the middle of the night often (according to my co-workers) to be turned away 2, 4 or ten cars from the stations as the gas ran out. Every car in line RUNNING THEIR GAS, LIGHTS AND MUSIC continuously, as if the dead cars (that ran out of gas ahead of them) were not symbolic of any concern or fear.

Almost every store, employer or business ran at half staff because everyone took the week off. People abandoned clients, customers and needy people in their pursuit of a crazed and untenable lifestyle. Store threw out food rather than donating it, when the power went off and the fridges stopped working. The whole state seemed to be, well, in a state. Topping it off was Governor Half-Wit yelling at mayors and assigning blame to a natural disaster. He cursed out reporters who asked him about the elections, because it will read well for him in 2016 if he was more concerned with hurricane relief.

Why has the human race abandoned, cooperation, conservation of resources and even self-preservation, in pursuit of ease, indulgence and plastic lifestyle?


I am starting to miss the days after 9/11 when everyone pulled together. Even despite the jingoism and racism (anti-Muslim sentiments) it was a time of caring and cooperation. Then again, if the Patriot Act was the result, maybe Hurricane Sandy's self-destructive insanity is less problematic in the long run.

Trees leaning on telephone poles or wires were becoming a common sight.

Another Tree leaning for support on our antiquated New Jersey infrastructure.

The 800+ lb. branch that landed on my car Monday morning. It did virtually no damage miraculously. some scratches and a ding.

The neighbors will even luckier with this enourmous tree that merely knocked off a rain gutter.

A church also fared well when their giant tree feel taking out a twelve foot wide swath of roots.

The same tree from another angle.
Another church, another tree and a another narrow escape.

From the same spot as the last picture, but in a different direction, the Freedom Tower, Tower Four, reminds us that we can rise above any difficulties.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Long Delayed Remark

Gene Bourne and I have had much bad blood in the past, but in September he apologized and asked that we bury the hatchet. I accepted. 

It was remiss of me not to note this sooner, but I was busy being excommunicated from Yahoo again. 

Thanks for understanding. 

I miss you all, but am happier out of that war zone web site. 
(No, I didn't say "whore's own web's blight", but I was thinking it.)

Monday, July 23, 2012

Gene Finally (starts to) Tell the Truth

Gene Bourne trashing me:

"I am your friend" weaseled his way onto the site* of my last poem.
Happy Hiram gained entry to my last post on
YAP through "a friend contact".(I'm Contacts Only). He used
my Contact to access my site and my poem.
There he proceeded to humiliate and embarrass me publicly.
These "friends of Hiram" (longtime Contacts of mine) I've had to
remove and block, with sad regret. I warned them
last year, when they opened their web site
with Hiram, that It violated my principles
of good judgment and jeopardized
my trust in them as contacts.
I had a long time friend die the day before,
...and allowing Hiram access to my poem
cemented my decision to drop and block them.
You are judged by the company you keep.
HH has shown himself repeatedly to be a sadistic,
sociopath and predator.
I don't consider myself special, but
I won't be made a fool of.
I had a belly full of that, growing up
in a family, where certain members
were bent on destroying my self esteem and confidence.
If it weren't for an understanding father, they would have destroyed me.
There is no more room in my mind for being bullied.
"Solace Befriends, I am your friend, etc" is no true friend of anyone,
...and friends of Hiram's can be no trusted friend of mine.
Thanks for this poem, Beth.

Here is the question he wrote this in:;_ylt=Aus1IGpH_BqyJ9iLiNWlTXen5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120722183424AAcvvv2
(But of course it is gone now. Can't let the TRUTH ruin our image now, can we?)

Well I have to say thank God Gene is finally starting to say the horrible things about me in public that he said to me -unprovoked privately YEARS AGO while pretending to be neutral towards me. EXACTLY GENE, your philosophy of "Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged" is a sham and a manipulation.

* His site being Yahoo Answers. I weaseled my way onto Yahoo? Just a reminder to those who don't remember, I have always said that Gene is a good poet but a lousy human being (to judge by his savage email remarks), and if he added me as a contact (without asking me) because I praised his WORK, in what manner is that weaseling?

I would ask no friend to decide to be my friend over another member because unlike Gene, I DO NOT OWN MY FRIENDS, and my every whim or disagreement does not reflect yea or nay on their character by agreement. That is the style of a dictatorial egotist.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Who is/are Giopeter?

Giopeter was impugning Dallas as the source of Darren Quigley (the false avatar that made accusations that I was a pedophile.) He is carrying the guilt of his internet behavior and trying to displace it AGAIN! Meanwhile he is going around calling himself Harry Codpiece, The Truth and Pandora!

I am sure he has deleted this by now, but here is the poem:

The Truth will Out (Himself)

The Truth will out
Whether slowly or Quigley
No matter how sneaky
Or smart his is or wriggly
No snake can hide forever
Under a codpiece
And peanut butter sticks around
Even where it is wanted least.
Enjoy these words, that he'll defile
Then, I will post it them my profile.
Remember back when speech was free
O, that was before we had Pet- er, I mean since Gio.

He also used the technique of trying to be "scary" as in the example below:

 This "Iamb Yore Wurst Knight Maer" crap becomes boring very Quigley, er I mean quickly.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Beth is at it again

Beth's Question (removed as soon as she got my email and remembered that I am DOCUMENTING THIS DISTRESS):
"When you are blocked by someone in poetry, do you know why?
I am blocked by HH. And it does bother me, because I don't know what I did. Does anyone ever explain?

[Leaving aside that I told her and her defenders that I put the whole issue up on my blog AT THE TIME I responded as if her ignorance were genuine.]

Email to Beth:
You asked me personal questions in email and I stupidly shared that information. After that when I critiqued your poem you tried to make it a personal issue. WHY would I trust my most personal info with someone I didn't trust and respect? Why was I suddenly the "enemy" when you had information that could damage me?

But basically, now that you "had me" you wanted to manipulate me out of being HONEST. I do not cave to blackmail.

I posted the interchange on my blog so you can read it when you forget:

You emailed me and threatened me, blamed me and blamed feeling "threatened" by me for your "leaving yahoo" (you were posting within a half hour of your "leaving") and you keep backbiting and trying to make me look like the bad guy.

I know you have issues, we all do, but for me to interact with you any more in YA would be frankly suicidal.

I love you as a friend, but you are too unstable in YA for me to cop.


Addendum (Not in Email):

If I EVER receive any messages from Beth or I see her posting about me I will update this site so that she can't hit and run, report and then play innocent etc, as she has been doing to me.


(below is the screen shot of the Q, which she removed to hide her game.)

Please tell me how to feel about your poem

My response to RAYVEN53:
His Q and my Answer:;_ylt=Av3XnJbLzpOKlYqA4gTAfAzsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120629100953AAz8rRy

My response:

Ray says: "out of hand! You cannot possibly hope to float the "crap" argument that God MADE the misery we suffer, and then argue against it as sunfish salvation fact, ignoring the metaphor that makes the whole doggone thing neither movement or philosophy in and of itself! The creation argument you proffer is too naive an outlook to even warrant address. If ever you wish to explore the concept of creation and free will and their inextricable interrelationship, you have my email, but I'd prefer you restrict your critique here to my writing, not my heart...IT is sensitive, and I am its fierce protector."


Friday, June 8, 2012

Beth Doesn't Want To Be My Friend Anymore

Beth called me out tonight: 

Answers Question: It has been pointed out to me that I am not the best of people. I am going to take a break and re-group?

Additional Details: I would specifically ask HH to address this. 2 hours ago
Read the original before Peanut Butter reports it :
It occurs to me that I will leave this question up for four days so everyone can see it. (I will leave it up forever Beth, so WITH the parts you don't want others to see.)

 TBO's Dear Tick says for HH: Aside from:
1. Confusing criticism with insult
2. Blocking a friend instead of saying ouch (which this "ouch" makes up for,)
3. Trying to guilt me into kissing ass by threatening to leave Yahoo because I didn't like a couple of poems you wrote,
4. Failing to compare my critiques of you (whom I usually praise the work of) to Pandora, (whom I love dearly but hardly ever get to say a kind word about the work of,) and confusing my being a fan for my being a fool... and,
5. Constantly asking "gossipy" questions so that when I answer Peter can report me 12 more times.

Other than that you ARE one of the best in here. Forgive me if I respect your art more than your sensitivities.

Beth Responds:
HH the only thing I can definitely say is I have ever only blocked Gio. I am sorry for your perceived wrongs from me - but now I can see they are just perceived - there is no basis in fact. So see you in the funny papers, I am done with you. 21 minutes ago 


Proboscis says for HH: You say RIGHT HERE:;… That you have blocked Solace Befriends (HH) but then you say HH is imagining things. Have your snit, but don't be confused. You did everything Dear Tick says, and now you are lying to make HH the villain. Bravo. Good friend. I am sure he will miss you more than you he. Beth (Humpty Dumpty) knows that Solace Befriends is HH.

Beth Responds: Oh yes, Sorry Proboscis or however you spell your nose name - I did block Solace this evening. She was just a little more than I wanted to take. - But hate on! 3 minutes ago.

Additional Details: I had no idea Solace Befriends was really HH, Proboscis - the man is everywhere, is he not?

Additional Details:Where did the other answers go? HH? Proboscis? Vanished? Huh.

Limerick Twister says: Solace Befriends TOLD YOU he was Hiram and you blocked him, and you are upset because Proboscis removed his answer BEFORE you could REPORT IT. Luckily you have THIS ONE to report. (Beth violated this answer before LT could remove it!)

ALL of your reporting and vilifying A FRIEND??

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Free To Satire? Not in Yahoo!

In Yahoo critical speech is not allowed, but in America, satire is protected speech. Does it bother you that Yahoo (as in Red China) speech must never criticize the answers to a given question?

Here was the offensive answer (which got reported, and removed:)

"A poem well within a question and contextual to it within, is without guidelines of questions qua questions and / or answer qua answers, if either pertain to the question of the first part, as a question with a category pertained to poetry of the second part -- I'm getting a headache. Give it to Lord Bafflegab."

Here is the question:

Also this relates to anti-bullying policy as an attack on free speech. Would the famous Hustler Magazine satire of Jerry Fallwell be considered bullying in the modern environment?

See my anti-bullying essay:

See past use of anti-bullying techniques (as bullying techniques) in YAP:
[I have disavowed any attempts to besmirch Scooter with this page as he/she was apparently unaware of the effect of their words and removed them when made aware.] 

Anyhow, the abuse goes merrily forward. Sanctioned by Red China -er I mean Yahoo!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Have The Animals Taken Over the Yahzoo?

The crowds
do not murmur anymore
The only sound is a crow's caw
echo-locating the last
peacock's bones.
The lions are hungry
But the apes
won't come down from the trees.
Doesn't matter.
The puma can climb
and rip the fur
off their sun-burnt necks.
A snake slithers by delighted.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Lovers Leap - A redraft

Lovers Leap

 ~ - ^ - ~ 

Meet me at the top of the staircase

Where we can jump into brilliant light

Just this side of paradise

Slake my yearning to fly, hold on tight.

 ~ - ^ - ~ 

Meet me at the top,

Where God gave me wings

Flying in purblind bliss

Things that make me soar

Your eye, your touch, your kiss.

 ~ - ^ - ~  

So meet me atop that staircase

What a beautiful day, and wondrous night

Heaven's gait, you by my side

Could suicide be this right?

 ~ - ^ - ~

Meet me at the top of the staircase....

 ~ - ^ - ~

A rewrite of a poem by Girly:  See The Original

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Advice from Solace Befriends

SapphireAngel's question:  Am I selfish? Feel very worried.?
I have been struggling with my younger sisters mental illness alone and told a colleague briefly about it in a text. I had previously said I was very stressed and she asked why so I told her. She never replied and now I am worried she doesn't want to know me anymore because of my family circumstance.
I am always there for her and although she is going through her own problems at the moment, I thought it would be OK to tell her. Was that a selfish decision on her part and is her silence because of this?
Solace Befriend's Answer:
No one can answer what your colleague's intentions are in her silence. A) she may be busy, B) She may be in her own crisis, C) She may have had a one way relationship with you where you listened to her problems but she can't do the same, D) or maybe she is overwhelmed by your issues and needs some space.

I would advise treating the situation as if she as a person has a right to take some space for whatever reasons and not make it a reflection on your conversation

If the friendship continues in the future is a mystery, but allowing them to do what they need to do is what a friend would do. It is not selfish to make everything about ourselves, it is a natural response. To step above that and allow others to do what they need to do, is in the end better self-care.

Egotistical Selfishness: Running around with a rubber stamp saying "ME" and making everything about me: my friend, my needs, my work, my role...

Self-Centered Selfishness: Putting my needs first and focusing INWARDS, so that I can stand on my own two feet and have anything INSIDE to give to others.

If you were sinking in quicksand the Egoist is useless (too far off balance focusing outwards) but the Self-Centered one could be a lifesaver.

Be the second kind of selfish, not the first. Take Care of yourself and don't worry what others are thinking. It is none of our business what others think of us.

The Source of the above:

Thursday, April 19, 2012

One two three four, a parody of Bannibal's four lessons:

One two three four, a parody of Bannibal's four lessons:

Poetic Clean-up

On a beauteous day at a family picnic
I have to bow out for a drunken sick
Please read this careful, it clever and obscure
No one knows porcelain like a drunk internet whore.

Diary of a Troll

Switching accounts causes me to sweat
They'll ne'er recognize me now I'll bet
I hide the hand that tips off the mind
I'm stupid and insane, hope the readers are blind!
But my hemorrhoids aching deep and strong
Perhaps I have sat in this chair too long

Satan's corpse

I found a devil in my own back yard
And hit him with my shovel HARD
But finding he was still quite alert
I tried to pile him up with dirt
Now in my garden, nothing grows
No flowers, nor leaves
...just the Devil's nose!

It wasn't the devil that killed my joy
It was my own hasty digging - excitable boy!

Swallowing the Worm

Tossing the bottle off the porch
"I've had enough!" my pal fetched it of course
If I had dumped it or drank five more swigs
He wouldn't have poisoned himself with the whole thing.
Standing over his sorrowful grave
How did the worms taste
How do the worms like YOU Dave?

Best and Worst First Week of April

Best and worst week 6

Lo and behold, we have a gem by Dallas. I have been waiting for you to make the best list. Long overdue given you capability:;_ylt=AskL5mUKVtXcx0NuDrHNBpyn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120328110336AApqGAW

The whole family is having a good week. Here is a good'un from Kels:;_ylt=At9TW9aVsAzg75U3cfohMP6n5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120329113746AAvfcoz

Cassie58 also makes a contribution (not her best of her best but even her mediocre poems easily make the best list:;_ylt=AgQ6.A3m5OARh7OTdTz.BNan5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120329085501AADbJl0

Dave almost made the worst list on Sunday, but others have just been badder.

Quote of the week (TBO complaining about his own typical behavior in others:
"personally,I try to make others look into a mirror. PRIDE causes them to post after saying they left. some can not take even a hint of correction. but come back for more .then cry over TD.";_ylt=AuFaWScW5TNwvO.oj5SZ1F6n5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120325205318AAeLevO


Cassie58 in a rare dreadful piece, reads like a sonnet f-for st-St-stutterers.;_ylt=Ao.QBTXTp_PoE1UW2Y2DXPmn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120324043154AA3SaRf

Koye continues to return and destroy his fantastic reputation as a poet by writing trite, knee-jerk liberal truisms as if they were deep insights, like this one:;_ylt=AmLr1ROTFnKlc9FmC5ND5_.n5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120323182456AAN7LQd

This one is not a surprise as Gene is always a likely candidate for the worst list. If I were to write the above in Gene's style it would day this:

This one not surprise
Always a likely
Gene for the worst list
Write it in
The style of above

[It actually reads better because you already know what I am trying to say.]

How about this one:

Broken phrases
writing does not constitute
Poetry, impressed
People are by the amateur.

Which means:

Writing in broken phrases does not constitute poetry. Why are people so impressed by this amateur mess?

Here it is:;_ylt=AnXOC8WULTFjZpmNA_m2BbSn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120326031028AAB2YyG

Peter can't lie for lying

[An email I wrote someone in March]

Pete can't lie for lying.

Here is Peter's latest post [all but one paren being mine, he said (HH).]

Pete writes:
I would like to see Gio on the one hand, and Dave, CW, and Funky Monkey on the other, post apologies to one another. (No he wouldn't) REAL APOLOGIES, (He means fakes like HIS apologies) none of the insults as usual. You are all wrong! (Lie) Yes, Gio, even you. (He does not mean also Gio) I will start it off. (No he won't he is just going to lie some more.)

I apologize to Nancy for overreacting to her insult. (He doesn't mean this) I hope she can see her friends for what they are, (this is what he means, believe his lies about her friends, ALSO a lie) because the sentiments I have expressed, and the facts I disclosed, all came from them (lie) They are no friends. (lie)

I apologize to Kathy, (no he doesn't, he just finished insulting her!) for disclosing what she privately said about Nancy. Nancy should know that those she has taken at face value have to be scrutinized a bit more. (Making a lie out of the apology and defending his duplicity while decrying her's!)

I apologize to all for any extra accounts I created out of frustration for purposes of answering your posts, (no he doesn't/not why he created them - a double lie!) but usually did so only when I was being attacked. (a lie) I do know that others have been creating accounts with my name, (lie) and in the case of one former user (HH) [I am not a "former user" as I did not "retire", another lie) my likeness, to damage my credibility. (lies)

Let me close by saying that the root problem here, (a lie) as in so much of life, (a lie) is the extremely thin skins too many possess. (a lie, the root problem being vicious malicious users like Pete)There are no great poets here, (lie, and he means besides himself, another double lie) only people wishing to share their writing and hopefully to improve. (he does not believe this and so it is, for him, a lie) And now, I would like all of you to post your apologies. (no he wouldn't  - a lie) It would be a hopeful beginning. (a lie.)

Peter (only true statement here.);_ylt=Ao.QBTXTp_PoE1UW2Y2DXPmn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120323135634AArKPzN

Is it gone? Peter is quick to remove his obnoxious remarks so that they don't get reported. 

Yahoo Has Gone Away -- No Such Luck!

[Back in the bowels of March 2012, I wrote:]
Dear Yahoo,

Over the years in Yahoo Answers I have been offended insulted and reported hundreds of times sometimes dozens of times in a week, I have been  slandered in so many ridiculous ways, I  have filed complaint after complaint that your system is buggy and THEN, after years of abuse, I get a warning notice in a week with only FOUR violations (practically a first week that low,) but some troll-control person in Yahoo takes and interest in me and BAM I have no more account. Yes I insulted those attacking me because it was my last chance.

If your system is completely broken you give the users no other choice. Your company has never once responded to anything I have ever written, and you do not fix the gaping problems in your "monitoring system" so I should not have been suspended.

That's the truth.

Their response:
Thank you for emailing Yahoo!
Unfortunately this email address is no longer used for Customer Care inquiries. For better routing please visit us at Yahoo! Help where you can search or browse all Yahoo! product or account answers to the most common questions, find how-tos and tutorials, as well as contact Customer Care.

Boo-Dis, Boo-Dis, Buddhist!

"Self" wrote this piece about a father fixing his angry son by having him hammer a nail in the fence every time he got angry. After that he had him remove one every time he went a day without getting angry. Then he points to all the holes and says apologizing is pointless because the holes still remain, basically punishing the child for reforming. So I wanted to mock the piece, but she removed it. Here is my response anyway (for your entertainment.):

Why I am not a Buddhist:
[I wish I had the original here to show you what I am mocking, but Buddhists write in sand and then erase their answers in a sort of passive-aggressive egolessness.]

variant 1:
A father saw his son getting angry all the time so he told him to put a nail through their front fence every time he got angry. But the "father" was a woman author who didn't realize that boys LOVE to hammer nails!

variant 2:
The father told his son, every time you sit in judgement on another, put a nail in the fence. The boy noticed that right away his father put his millionth nail in the fence for his remarks to his son. Self and Hiram were right next to him hammering in their nails.

variant 3:
The boy removed the last of the nails once his anger had subsided and his father said "See, the holes are still there. You cannot remove the hurt by apologizing. So the boy hammered in another two nails, one for his father's annoying and insulting exercise and one for his anger at the results.

Best and Worst last Week of March

Week four best and worst.

At first this werk Adeline_cosine seemed to be the only player. Here is a good'un with lots of subtle meaning:;_ylt=Aiqjcy_PBlj.K3EFtth5qD.n5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120314151710AAJ8fh1

Kels gets a simple idea out beautifully:;_ylt=AtuMnrNA9pc33b45P4dzQiqn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120315124815AA6mA3o

All women this week, not a surprise as the men are too busy slugging it out, but this one is unique. Every time Caz tries to write in her old jabberwocky style it falls flat ( as this one did, in an earlier version,) but unlike her other efforts this one does not fall apart by being corrected:;_ylt=Apsz5CxbIqjeuDOXleUK5xen5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120317095326AAvmfF9
Bravo Caz (or whoever you are.)


Caz, who once wrote brilliant jabberwocky is now writing drivel. What the hell happened to her "brain injury"? Is this another Yahoo fraud or am I missing something?;_ylt=AjWm2mw8WbjUSzlSUuz.MNmn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120313003419AAXhlKC

Billy, Billy, I liked this poem last week, now you strap it to a dirge and write four more lugubrious chapters. Wassamaterwitu?;_ylt=Aiqjcy_PBlj.K3EFtth5qD.n5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120314151710AAJ8fh1

Frederic picked this up, which the cow's had left, somewhere in a meadow:;_ylt=Avb91h86fxr40Mjpp3b2sWyn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120315153716AAxNvO1

Best and worst in one:;_ylt=Ajw8eswlhMzd9zsG2ufaN3mn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120313061936AAY0T19

The first half has been rewritten out of all that it was worth and the second half works, go figure!

Lastly indeterminate -- I have been so frustrated and disappointed by Dave of late that I want to point this one out even though I hated it because it is rare anymore that he writes this competently, even though the theme goes horribly awry:;_ylt=Ah4ZZ1eN.ttiq48FziZrCDOn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120315185010AA6U1Ew

Dave Sold Out (1 month ago)

[I have given up on trying to deal with Dave, but this was written about a month ago, and I am posting all of my backlog of posts.]

After Dave praised this crap...

...he sold his value as a commentator. Praise your allies and insult people whom you disagree with. That is how to turn a poetry site into a dank sandbox.

Congrats Dave!;_ylt=Ar54vcnFlJSrDq6E5N6CiTSn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120315073308AAFrg3U

More of my whining about Blogger

Blogger and email:

My old blogsite, which sucked had one good feature, you could email a post. Google gives allows you to make up your own @ddress which doesn't work, OR you can post to go.blogger and hope for the best. (It says the page does not exist)

If this appears it means I survived the attempt. (it didn't, I am reposting what Go Blogger refused here.) Years ago I worked for IBM and was amazed that they were unable to provide employees with access to the internet. The idea that Google cannot allow you to simply post by email is absurd. I almost feel like I am a hostage of the Internet again!

Best and Worst Third Week of March

Week four best and worst
Na’ashjéii Asdzáá
A new light in Yahoo Poetry (Oops! It's just Nancy having us on:);_ylt=AjLOwlTH.K6bimfQMCa.fgqn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120308111813AAcFFW3

HD makes the list of course!;_ylt=Ar.AHMTKkHqGAHQiJ.btr76n5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120311195655AAtqDsx

This is a cute little poem but because it is not so serious or so incredible it shouldn't be on my best list. It is there because everyone else is Yahoo has apparently abandoned poetry for Greek Wars.
Thank you, Funky:;_ylt=ApN6sAsmDttOz2susiAf6myn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120310080831AAR3PgQ

Synopsis, are we plagiarizing now?;_ylt=Aj6KidnfCJPnW6TgvHr6yuWn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120309090240AA4AHP4
From Tara Mohr:
And at least she meant something interesting by the term.

Dallas recounting things in a mechanical and checklist fashion (with the odd aw shucks sticking out like spelling errors inna grammar book.) You cannot skim and bog down in regionalism at the same time, D:;_ylt=AjNmVPsdM1m_apt7uKEUv0Wn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120309075829AA3D72G

Comments and Jibes

Stupid 101: weaseling for a compliment and bitching at the game you wanted to play at the same time:;_ylt=AhHhqydhL.xNYsuiqgt7vmOn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120307074326AArbQxr
(Neonman didn't go anywhere BY THE WAY)

Libby turns psychotic (with comments in parens from me:)

All is well in this world.
(If you've never seen the garbage seas [add link here])
The grain is harvested;
(and rots on the docks)
the men are fed.
(and the women and kids go hungry)
The women share this success.
(because you don't seem to realize they do 3/4 of the work for 1/4 less pay than the men get.)
Enough said. (Hardly);_ylt=AmoPjmW586.DkK8IDgmqIs6n5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120307055642AAVSv5K

Pity the poor soldier:;_ylt=AiDWFp_v.AlsUzo5k1p6uHCn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120308121025AApcF5Y

I am going to risk a new suggestion. Since Bannibal only writes "my world is fine God bless" or "my world is dark I want to die" perhaps he could be brought into details and focus, and she could take on large as life themes, if Dallas and TBO co-wrote a poem.

Peter/Milieu up to his old games. Those of us old enough to remember saw Peter as top Answerer, no Milieu as #2, 3, 4, etc... And then one day there was Milieu, formerly known as Peter.

The quote from Peter/Milieu: "While I love and admire and respect many men, there are many more I pity and ignore. I have never been a man, (wanted to be) nor have I ever hidden a man behind my skirts, probably because I don't wear skirts."

He has loved many men and despised many more, yeah right!

For Frederic, Synopsis, Danny R....

For Frederic, Synopsis, Danny R.  and all the "say it for the 500th time" poets...

Boring rhyme opener blinkered with irony
verbal pyrotechnics, so deft and shiny;
toothsome metaphors, muted with pretenses,
an insensate, tasteless feast for the senses.

Now tell the story of a suffering child
bring on the Cossacks, go hog-wild,
succor the reader with and easy plant;
even teach minerals how to dance.

Eye-rony, mute, deaf-t and insensate;
child, hog, plant mineral, but wait!
This time show all the underpinnings,
bet 'gainst the joke and pocket the winnings.

Waste the reader's time with games
but not cliche drivel in poetry's name.

Peter/Corky Keener's attempt at humor

- Still posting crap from March 2012:
Here is Peter (as Corky Keener) throwing more accusations at me. Despite the homophobia and general ugliness of the words, this might be the closest thing Peter has written towards art. He posts:

    "Hank Guru" and his friend "Gayreek"

    Have you seen a crop idiot appearing as Hank Guru?
    He was the constant companion of a poet from Buru,
    from buru buru he appeared in Poetry with a third eye
    with his many accounts accompanying his crap high!

    Short time ago, the idiot Hank Guru stopped blessing,
    the poetry section, and altogether appeared addressing
    in the Greek section, responding to posts very offensive
    for Greece, since he was a philosopher far too pensive.

    A fake account by the name "Gayreek" was the asker;
    and Hank Guru received BA for answering the masker,
    who was calling Greeks names with abnormal crop,
    happy cause he took revenge for being a pink bee-bop.

    The third eye of the Hank Guru was made for courting
    because his Ugly creator was drinking Vodka tarting.
    He was the Man and received lotsa BAs from his kin,
    with his clown questions post-constructed just to win.

    The idiot visited the Greek section where started tarting
    meanwhile people there, "who's that idiot" were asking;
    Proudly Hank Guru won a BA from Gayreek's excretion,
    before realizing that his Gayreek wisdom won deletion.

See Corky Keener's (aka Peter's) post if it is still there:;_ylt=AnM_.kOKNAWOpLxWUb.9U8On5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120308151849AAoHYKy

I would swear I already posted this

Quote of the week (second Week in March 2012)

"Spring. A time of rebirth, growth. Winter has culled the weak.
- Na’ashjéii Asdzáá aka Nancy

See the context:;_ylt=Aom3syAT2HKRGLc8ziW357in5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120306083733AAYCjkB

And to answer Cassie's post, the past is the past, but if I wanted to reminisce, I can't because my account has been suspended!!! Thanks for reminding me of reasons I might still be angry at the yahooligans that set me up.

I mostly went back to read poems I admired of others. Why I was slow to award stars was so that I wouldn't waste my own time going back. No wasted time now.

Best and Worst Second Week of March

Derrick Gaskin (although the Q was annoyingly phrased):;_ylt=AjLOwlTH.K6bimfQMCa.fgqn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120303130456AAp27Tr

A great one from ™ÊŽllıq®®:;_ylt=AjLOwlTH.K6bimfQMCa.fgqn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120305133040AATWqQ4

Not good or bad, just a poem of interest:;_ylt=AtMczV1DMYeA8y8gPDZ3nMmn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120304225715AAlVsqN



Love Child (wow, the pidgin English almost HELPS this one):;_ylt=Ai17hfWdI41pkKgFO1eyfoyn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120305110017AADeBnP

Unknown Soldier (worst cop-out, blank screen YouTube post):;_ylt=AtMczV1DMYeA8y8gPDZ3nMmn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120306060057AAt3hwn

Yes I mind when your video has no video!!!
-- A month ago, I was seeing everything my friend Love Child was writing as hostile to me. I have since come to understand that she was even more shell-shocked than I was by my suspension from Yahoo.

But in the spirit of fairness, I am posting ALL of the backlog of material I was writing a month ago, so here is my then rant about LC (LC forgive me!);_ylt=Ar2KNjEBmLKufYM43r2..t6n5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120305225723AAg4tGs

My comments on the above:

Again, another poem about blaming me for my fate. Yes let's all get along, the foxes in the hen house have GOTTEN their meal I am sure they will be no problem now.

Why is it cowardice to train dogs to do what they are evolutionarily meant to do?

The first two lines make no sense outside of the context of YAP, and thus those (like long-winded synopsis) who go on about making a separate poem obviously can't read. I on the other hand with my 20% comprehension rate, get the whole picture.

Sorry LC, or rather I wish YOU were sorry.

The above contradicts that posted below and makes it worthless:

How To Make Something Longwinded and Boring - Synopsis

-- I am posting a backlog of poems. rants, ideas and information. This was written in March but still applies:

Quote of the week (from the biggest show-off in Yahoo):

""Why should we write a school assignment for someone else? Aren't we here to support each other, rather than to do each others' work?"

I suspect people's motivations for what they do are as various as people are.

Some people come here motivated by a genuine love of poetry. Others just come here to show off."

The original question:;_ylt=AqDZ..LSnKpB2Ey3jAixPI6n5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120304030239AAtqoGi

It is also the shortest answer synopsis has ever given.

Can you find examples (pre-this post) of synopsis being pithy instead of just pissy?

Best/Worst List Week Ending March 1st

-- I was unable to post my Best/Worst Lists in a timely manner, so here they go from my files.
Best and worst of the week list #1

I am disappointed that Dave, Brian and company have been so busy trashing people and writing trivial pursuits they have not posted anything inspiring. I have not been bothering to read Nancy lately (too long and dull) so if she writes something good, someone please let me know?

Best of week:
Sue's Verde Rock poem;_ylt=Al70FXMTIgbS5uR5mweoCCen5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120225153424AAUP91T

Sue's crack poem:;_ylt=Ai17hfWdI41pkKgFO1eyfoyn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120229083109AAnSA81

HD's Chronic Echoes:;_ylt=AhHhqydhL.xNYsuiqgt7vmOn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120229111619AAFOnPu

Worst of the week:

Peter "Gae" Sonnet:;_ylt=AjLOwlTH.K6bimfQMCa.fgqn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120301064230AAJxrbb

And we are glad to see Mythic around, even if the poem sucks:;_ylt=AgXX9Xkzm7w_JwK2BaceD6yn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120229231419AAkqLE8

(This was written over a month ago. Things have improved since then!)
I know this isn't meant to be much, but I am starting to dread opening my friend LC's link:;_ylt=Al70FXMTIgbS5uR5mweoCCen5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120229191013AAA8YF3

And Last, but least: Neon:;_ylt=AjLOwlTH.K6bimfQMCa.fgqn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120301073126AANQTI0

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Coastal Cloud (Clamoring Ocean's Madrigal)

Alpha Gio Whatever wrote some pretty sounding gibberish which I rewrote into English as THIS:

The Coastal Cloud
(Clamoring Ocean's Madrigal)

Drops of twinkling rain she was expecting,
tinge her sweet nocturnal form with spray
clamouring (for) ocean's madrigal of spray

Was she a little wraith form blue bayou'd
a drenched form wisping 'round the empty quay;
Drops of twinkling rain she was expecting,

Pelted fields look upward toward the skies,
smiling, dreaming forms made out of clay,
clamouring (for) ocean's madrigal of spray

Formed as faraway line of April's dew
announcing winter's wake to skies of gray
Drops of twinkling rain she was expecting,

Lithe and listless hanging o'er seaview
a drenched form wisping 'round the empty quay
clamouring (for) ocean's madrigal of spray

She was incomprehensible, agleaming blue,
tinge her sweet nocturnal form with spray
Drops of twinkling rain she was expecting...

...clamouring (for) ocean's madrigal of spray.

(This is a rewrite of  Clamor of Madrigal, which so scared AGW, that he reported it so no one could compare his gibberish to mine. I am not linking to his because why should I benefit him when he attacks me?)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

New Yahoo Definitions

New Yahoo Definitions

A long and repetitive peroration going above, under and around the subject that it is a response to telling more than you ever wanted to know about every trivial aspects possible that can diminish, obscure and pretend to outshine your original subject -
a synopsis!

The state of being an outgoing friend who speak for a shadowy figure  -
to be shy!

A creature that destroys trees to make the world safe for acorns -
a squirrel!

Asking folks to restrain themselves while they are being slaughtered  -
a peacemaker!

"Why can't we all just get along?" - British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, dismissing concerns about Hitler's annexation of Austria and Czechoslovakia, 1938.

Did I miss anyone? Oh Yeah:

To always be charming despite always being on the wrong side of things -
a libby*!

*Euphemism for liberal. Some of my best friends are liberals.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Why Reopen the Scars?

Response to Libby

The ground came open

and Hiram got closed in
In some perverse universe
we should rescue him.
But open again healed scar?
Feel that pain again?
Wanting Ian or Hiram back
is masochism pain.

Enjoy the friendly banter

But don't mention fallen foes
It's perfectly possible
To walk around without toes,
But if the lack of wiggle room
leads poetry's star to set
Just decry the excitement
of the "put down"
as too much to forget?

Why did things go so awry?

When did this ever really work
Do you remember?
Do you want that again?
Freedom comes with a jerk.
So blame the one's who flee this place
Treat reminiscence with scorn
When your acid tongue
is stolen too
will it then be okay to mourn?

Sunday, February 26, 2012

When Danny Met Nancy

Nancy's post:;_ylt=AnM_.kOKNAWOpLxWUb.9U8On5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120225115957AAKx2x5

Nancy, I can make a very quiet peace as I have no say in Yahoo war or Yahoo peace. I am the Troll-wars corpse screaming from the grave.
Beg me to forget that I am a casualty all you like but I am stuck in amber. A squirrel put a bullet in me, to impress the ladies. "This is how you take a man down." But I am down, and calls for peace (which rankled me when I was allowed in Yahoo,) read as spitting on my corpse now.

Danny gives us a really nice poem:;_ylt=Ag3SVWTN5LT39trRutH73Ven5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120225051728AAGVFUE

And then bores us with a lyrics-challenged Adele-clone:;_ylt=Ah2RkYccNYIcnlmGLZ0M3A2n5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120225061544AASys6T

But wait, maybe I should only say nice things. WWND? What Would Nancy Do?

Oh, I'm okay, just confused by poetic rhetoric.

Women and Male Manipulation

I read a poem by Stella Rhodes today;;_ylt=AmoPjmW586.DkK8IDgmqIs6n5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120224233649AAnaYUY

As a feminist, I will ignore the fact that this is not a poem and just say that this is an admirable expression of the pain of disenfranchisement that women experience at the hand of male dominance and brutality.

It speaks to insecurity when that often underlies women posting, their need for constant reinforcement (males can often critique each other and respond "F you" to the critic, all the while learning what they can from them, whereas most women, weakened by male manipulative criticism, have to develop trusted sources, that too often will never tell them the truth so they can grow.) This piece talks about the underlying root of many women's trust issues and

It spreads to women needing to be the peacemakers instead of learning how to say "No."

Lastly it leads to a type of woman, the crusader, who stifles free speech in Yahoo in the name of PC anti-bullying.

As a typical male, I read this and make it about MY situation. But what I want to see is the poem where a woman reacts like a man to these overtures, "Why would I want to do that? I said no already.  Are you threatening me? I'll blow your fugging head off if you threaten me again (and mean it!)"

That is the poem I'd like to see. I don't want to blame the victim, but no one else can rescue her, but herself.

My Friend, I am suspended, NOT DEAD!

What I would say if I were there.
A few comments on Love Child's defense of (pernicious) cliches:

Love Child Writes:

If we do not heed the lessons in cliches we so avoid,
our little parcel of paradise might just be destroyed.
Doing unto others what you cannot stand the thought of
is turning clandestine, subversive plots, there are a lot of.
I beg of everyone to take note of what you discover;
let us not pull wool over the eyes of one another.
Confront discreetly, with respect, by asking for the truth.
Do not be convinced of anything without valid proof.
And most of all don't use a neutral post to air your feud!
Will my poetic friends create a pleasant interlude?
Can I get your cooperation and make February 24th
a day all about writing poems that stand on their own worth?

---Okay, why don't you go first. That read like ten miles of bad road. How do you suggest I comment politely on being silenced? F--- that! When did you start working for Yahoo Answers? You are endorsing the removal of free speech. I would say I like the music but hate the lyrics if this weren't such a ham-handed piece. There is something to be said for not sharing every thought that comes into our heads, but defending the censors??  Maybe this one should have been self-censored.

I am feeling betrayed, not by the disagreement, but that you suddenly disagree with everything I stand for the minute I am unable to respond in Yahoo. Like someone did you a favor by getting rid of me.

The Original:;_ylt=AmgaXPV22.HzMiNjP2bYlkKn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120224014721AA1dWBN

Tragedy of Hate Fake Mail?

I received an email purporting to be from Tragedy of Hate, of the recently nice poem i linked to, but it was one of those 1-way accounts that Yahoo uses to send info and not receive. I think they may be harassing me now. What are those links again?

Email address covered so I don't get sued. I got a failure message for this response: 

Dear Tragedy,

Read my latest blog post. Scooter is a professional attack dog who has people removed from sites to demonstrate how to use anti-bullying software/techniques.

She is probably using me on slides to demonstrate how to make ANY behavior seem like bullying. If I were to come back, I could be added to her "stalker" presentation.

How are you? Nice poem the other day.


A Cyber-Bully's Confession???

[I have disavowed any attempts to characterize Scooter the Squirrel as part of this continuing problem.He/She was apparently unaware of the effect of their words and removed them when made aware. Reference to Scooter below is merely attributing the SOURCE of the remarks.]

A Cyber-Bully's Confession???

After declaring that she or he had nothing to do with my removal from Yahoo, Scooter the Squirrel gave a lesson in tactics how to find some web site or group that can describe any behavior you like as harassment so you can cyber-attack and cyber-bully by using anti-bullying systems against anyone you like.

Below is a statement from SCOOTER THE SQUIRREL, and it is advice on how to use anti-harassment systems to have people ejected from Yahoo Answers despite their years of earnest contribution, aka how to abuse in the name of preventing abuse. (Parentheses below are this editor's comments)

Scooter says:

Report this to the following email->

You can report them to the Authorities. Here is the site that helps with Computer harassment/stalking->

I'm know I'm not a regular in this section but i will do whatever it takes to help. I'm in. (This is expressing a vendetta which is abuser behavior.)

These are additional links involving on how to take action against online harassment/stalking-> (This one doesn't exist? But it is always good to list three links as it feels more thorough!)

Know what's going on everyone. No one has to feel helpless. (unless someone is using these "protective" systems to abuse YOU and pretending to be innocent!) Something can be done against cowards who feel they can hide behind a computer & stalk/harass people for no reason. (But nothing can be done about liars who use abuse protection to attack random people!) I will also be posting these links on my profile for anyone that needs them.

(Read the original question that prompted Scooter to confess to cyber-attacking me so as to remove me from Yahoo:;_ylt=AjBepdA3KoBrIBPI5gKezJ7ty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120125141719AABF6Vx

Now stop saying you didn't get me removed Scoot, and get your friends (Lapiz) to stop lying and saying I wasn't suspended!)

The Real, Real YAP-Wars

The Real, Real YAP-Wars
A Borrowing of a Borrowing (originals by Cheese Whisperer and Neonman.)

Cheese: “Listen, Daveboy, you get your ass out of this hole and go scrounge us up some ammo, or I will shoot you myself!”

Dave: (laughing at Hiram's corpse) “... he blew himself up...he blew himself up...all he has to do is reconstitute himself. If he wants to be a possum that is his problem. Let's hang this on Gio!"

Nancy: “Oh, Cripe, Daveboy, Yes, Harry blew himself up! He always was an ass, so quit gibbering like an idiot and scratch my back!"

Neon: (gleefully) “Hiram is a fraud and he says I am a lousy poet. How can you believe a guy who says I am a lousy poet. Besides which we got along really well, there was no conspiracy, I can define imaginary, but plausible things as not so, because I am the arbiter of Yahoo reality, I have forty more answers for those who don't believe these ones, I am defending the innocence of his absence over and over because I am completely uninvolved and have no remorse, besides which, who really cares, I never really liked the guy, but we got along swell.  Teapot Dome- er I mean, Rosebud."

Lizzy: (dabbing at her flak-jacket–trying to soak-up some of Harry’s guts) “Neon! Why you ungrateful little...”

Shultzie: (pulls a knife and holds it to Neon’s throat) “That’s enough of that, Charlie. One more word about H.H. and I’ll be taking your gizzard home in a coffee can.”

Neon: (laughing) “Just as Daveboy says Harry could have 50 accounts and be just like Peter and Dave and Me and Gio. Isn't that what this war is about? Who will be the dominant vampire?"

Daveboy: (still dazed) “I never thought they would fight back, and against Harry? I'm much more vocal."

Cheese: “I tried to tell you bastards...the Greeks can be trusted. Would any of you listen? No.”

Nancy: "Peter isn't Greek!"

Cheese: (quietly) “Neon, you wanna tell her......or should I?”

Neon: “Wonderful, lets blow the section up for just enjoyment, is that your M.O., Cheese? Do what I do, make peace noises (while furiously emailing people to take sides.) It's much more rewarding."

Nancy: (loudly) “What was that, Neon? Speak up!!!”

Neon:...(laughing) “Peter is not Gio Nancy, repeat what you said earlier,  Peter is not Gio!”

Shultzie: “Oh for the love of god...”

Lizzy: “Shultzie, give me your knife...”

Neon: (quietly) "I don’t think you want to do that Liz."

Lizzy: (incredulous) “Oh??? And why is that?”

Neon: (in a rush) "Because another grenade just landed behind you! LOOK OUT!!!"

Lapiz: "There are no grenades, Hiram just made them up." (Neon, grabs the grenade, throws it back towards Dave.)

Dave: "I've survived a hundred of these" His avatar blows up and two take it's place.

Lizzy: “Jee Dang* (Pulls another tissue out of her sleeve and once again begins dabbing) now I have to open my contacts again to reconnect to Dave."

Nancy: "Weeeeee! This is fun! (claps hands) Who’s next? Cheesy?” (she’s obviously lost her mind, but not this week.)

CW: "Uhhh, who Chucked that one to start with? What the heck was he thinking?”

(Suddenly Sue drops into the foxhole and lands in a heap. she has a full pack on her back and her hand is clutching the strap of a fifty-pound duffle. “How you guys doing for ammo?”

Dave: (runs over to Ma, helps her to a sitting position) “Holy sh*t, Ma, where the hell did you come from??? Did I hear you say you got ammo?” (he doesn’t wait for her to answer...he unzips duffle and begins to distribute full clips. (sounds of slides being pulled, clips being slapped into position, murmuring, etc)

Sue: (a horrified expression) “Is...Is that Harry?” (points at H.H.) “Oh my God, that poor, poor boy...” (shakes head)

Lizzy: "Nah, that's just two more Dave avatars for the scrap heap. It's starting to look like a Bukowski Holocaust Museum around here.

Sue: (glances across the lines) Hey that side is pretty thick with Peters too. Looks like the lounge at the Simon Bar Sinister Convention.

Neon: (smiling) “See Cheese, that’s how you write a script.”

Cheese: (smiling too) “ Yes, take credit for my doing 90% of the work."

Neon: "Well how else can I write something that isn't mediocre?"

Cheese: (wiping his hands, taking the script walking away) “Arent you the one who slammed Harry for doing parodies all the time?"

(Grand finale: The whole place blows up as Simon Bar Sinister and Charles "Neonman" Quisling walk away. Nancy survives by wrapping herself in so much extra verbiage no one can get through it, while Cheese writes himself a way out as none of these suckers ever could. Dave comes back as Aladdin and the Forty Avatars.)

Tragedy of Hate said it better than any of us:;_ylt=AhHhqydhL.xNYsuiqgt7vmOn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120222053346AA03ID3

Thanks to Derrick Gaskin

Thanks to Derrick Gaskin for asking about me in Yahoo Answers.
This is where I have gone!!! Welcome to Hiram Unleashed!!!!