Friday, April 4, 2014

The FASTEST troll in the west

[Edit: I do not per se remove old posts as I consider this my internet personal history book, I have apologized for the conflict with Lorry 5 and Breezy 7 and so I ask any readers to take this and the related posts with a huge grain of salt. They speak to my poor behavior as much or more than anyone else's. See the apology: ]

This question was pulled from Yahoo Answers FASTER THAN I COULD WRITE IT!

Which one of these is the philosophy Troll (as well as a spamming idiot!)

(It will be the one whose link stops working in a minute)

My reported post:

Do you get mad that you read a good question once in a while...?  

...and when you go to answer it, can't because the spam-poster has you blocked for telling them to stop filling the screen with nonsense? 

For example: The British quiz show QI says there are nine to thirteen senses (including proximity, balance, hunger and "feeling of self") which one of these is the sixth sense? 

But I can't answer. 

Another one says "What does your avatar say about you?" 

To which I would answer, "that people like you frustrate the heck out of me and that this web site is permanently broken." 

But I can't answer. 

Does this place make you want to bang your head too?

Additional details:
First Troll says: "With answers like that no wonder you are blocked!  {{((hugs)))}}


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  4. Breezy, do you see a pattern where you blocked me and reported my answers in YA! for saying you were spamming gibberish. I have complete control over comments here, but as long as you are not obscene or libelous I will support your right to speak here. Unblock me in Yap and deal with real answers, or blather in here about "listening to people you don't listen to" while bring a hypocrite. It is my pleasure to be fair to your basic unfairness.

    Every comment by you proves me right.

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  6. How would I hate someone who I do not know? I blocked you because you blocked me. I also do not preach about free speech. I allow it, whereas you leave me this pathetic means of communicating. My email is out there. Or we can trade niceties this way...

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