Friday, April 11, 2014

Seriously: questions for Breezy [modified]

[Edit: I do not per se remove old posts as I consider this my internet personal history book, I have apologized for the conflict with Lorry 5 and Breezy 7 and so I ask any readers to take this and the related posts with a huge grain of salt. They speak to my poor behavior as much or more than anyone else's. See the apology: ]

Hey listen, as I was writing this I noticed that Breezy has unblocked me. I am still posting my questions, but I will try and move on vis-a-vis Breezy, as perhaps we can settle our differences by just being instead of arguing over fences.

1. What do you (and Lorry 7 Aussie Lily) get out of posting three or four inane questions in a row in the philosophy section pushing off the page all other more meaningful questions and making it look like your own personal scrapbook rather than a Q&A website?

2. Why, if you didn't report my answers making this same complaint, why did you block me at the same time as they were reported?

3. Do you think there is something obscene about pointing out your spamming?

4. Why do you pretend that I blocked you first when you have never once answered a question of mine? How would you KNOW I had you blocked if you never would have TRIED but to answer my complaints in this site.

5. Why do you ask about the damage of not listening to folks while not listening to me? Kind of like an invitation to respond.

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