Friday, March 21, 2014

What Pseudo-Thomas doesn't want you to read

Edit2: So after I wrote an email to pseudo-Thomas stating that I knew he was not Thomas because he answered a person's spiritual question w/o mentioning Jesus and because he said he thought "Tori" had gone "back to the celestial spheres" instead of back to Jesus (the recent return of Tori was fake because I believe she HAS passed away, sadly.) One Christian to another does not say celestial spheres, but NOW, everything pseudo-Thomas says is about God and Jesus. When I said Thomas uses only overpriced words he started posting old Thomas stuff with big words in it. If I tell him Thomas used the word "sugar" a lot, every third word will be sugar. Thomas HIMSELF was complaining of someone impersonating him, but "this Thomas" put in his about me page a request for people to stop complaining that he is not him. The real Thomas would be slightly more self-aware.

Edit: Judging by the fact that he re-blocked me, I'd say rabbit is running for his whole (other persona that is...)

Pseudo-Thomas (the person masquerading as Thomas 7 and posting old poems of his mixed with syrupy garbage) blocked and then unblocked me, saying "People who think I am a fraud please leave me alone."

I asked, should I continue posting then or are you just going to report every answer I make?

Immediately I got this reported:
"That Thomas would write a doctor Seuss rhyme like this is unlikely. That he would do it without trumpetifying it with verbiage, is impossible. Garbage. Noise would be a step up."

A) through some miracle, Thomas (and Gene) happened to interact with me once all month EXACTLY as I get one of my lately rare violations,
B) someone is INSTIGATING their communications to dovetail with these reports (if they don't name names IN PUBLIC then they are denying B...)
They are my reporters.

At least Thomas believes in miracles, so he has a fig leaf to drape himself in.

I think the new Thomas is a fraud. Either that or he is a report hound. Most likely both.

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