Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Against the assertion that religion is irrelevant.

The original question from Yahoo Answers

Q: Religions are just old Cults?
Have you noticed every Cult calls itself a Religion?

A: Cultic thinking is merely when sets of words cohere, and members of a group develop their own language for understanding one another. CBS television is a cult. The followers of Richard Dawkins are a cult. Discussion of the scientific method becomes cult-like. 

Any time someone says use its not it's in a sentence they are closing the walls on a barrier between people, an attempt to make themselves special, a cult of those in the know and those not.

Your word cult does not scare me. You are mad at religion because you percieve their ideas - which you think crazy, irrelevant and dangerous - have succeeded much better than yours do, even now in this most enlightened of ages.

People will ALWAYS seek after deeper truths than science can tell them. When you try and shut them out to build a cult against religion you are doing their work for them, because you cannot chase away a need by shaking your finger.

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