Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Holiday Nightmares Become Boring Commonplaces

Hi friends,

I have done many sorts of volunteer work over the years and I have come up with a simple rule for myself. If I am not willing to WORK for a cause actively I don't just throw money at it. 

That being said, many lives are improved by the work of charities, despite the fact that many charities are 75% overhead and much money donated to overseas causes goes to the hands of politicians, dictators and warlords. Charity is a good impulse. 

Here is where I get annoyed. Just like action movies deaden our response to violence, commercials showing dying babies and sick pets disgust me with the CHARITY, not with the situation. 

Jesus said the poor will always be with us, but that is not a reason not to help. But any charity that is going to throw dead babies into my livingroom will NEVER get money out of me until they change their ways. 

Graphic, gory and manipulative commercials make me a little more cynical every day. Rather than crying over suffering children I am approaching the point of making jokes in a mock narrator's voice. I don't like feeling this way AND I BLAME THE PRODUCERS of such garbage.

Why don't they run a commercial saying "We know you are humane enough to send money without having to be brutalized by a shocking (well unfortunately no longer shocking) graphic commercial during your holiday season."

That (if the dog and cat people joined in too) I would pay for. But I will not send 50 cents a day for being abused and diminished as a human being.

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