Sunday, June 22, 2014

Allen West: Voice of Reason?

A Moderate Conservative Responds to Allen West's 5 questions (for the progressive liberals, since I can't find any to respond.)
Here is the original article:

Question 1) 450 billion of the 900 billion requested TARP money was APPROVED UNDER Bush and a lesser amount was disbursed under Obama. I would love to be able to congratulate Bush on preventing "The Great Depression II" but they did the whole thing under pressure from the incoming administration so as to not look like another Warren G. Harding. They figured you'd blame the whole thing on Obama anyhow, which you are, missing the point: the trillions spent on the Iraq War is why progressives call Bush un-American, but much less loudly now that their guy spent an equal amount. So whatever you are going on about it is confused and not helpful. Half of the national debt payments go to Europe to fund the world bank, an arrangement which has been in place since WWII and which if we didn't owe them, as ALL member nations do, they would consider us a renegade like Iran and put embargoes and other restrictions on us. Please pay off the national debt so I can have a world war on home soil.

2. How many men were left behind in Vietnam comparatively. We all grew up knowing MIA's and now you are going to pretend that war is not like that? Shame on you. Men get left behind in war. Saying "we leave no man behind" is supposed to bolster the troops, not fool them.  Illegal immigration is a different issue.

3. Obama did not promise lower gas prices as a result of the Iraq war. Progressives and Liberals all have electric cars anyway.

4. If Nixon resigned over being threatened with Impeachment why doesn't Congress find something to impeach Obama over? Because it isn't there.

5. The fact that you don't say "Millhouse Nixon" and your Sotero remark make their case. If you can't make an argument without fear-mongering then you have already lost the argument.

Terrible terrible points every one. We used to spend the whole page arguing against Obamacare but arguments on the right seem to not be about issues but about fear-baiting. The left is no better, so does that justify this garbage?

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