Saturday, April 26, 2014

Are my trolls working for the philosophy Pollyannas or is it a coincidence that my most legitimate BA's are under attack?

My appeal to Yahoo for my latest question violated:

I answered this question described what they were doing well in intricate detail, praised the questioner and got best answer for it. I have three appeals for obviously acceptable answers that were reported and have gone days with no response. That fact that envy-trolls know when they can report proper questions and the system is down so they will stand points to the fact that those who make Answers impossibly subjective and abusive either work for Yahoo or are in collusion with employees. This question is as appropriate as any question could be, and allowing it to be reported constitutes Yahoo endorsing a bullying culture.

Hello Happy Hiram,

The answer on Yahoo Answers was reported and deleted by one or more trusted members of the Answers community:

"The compressed energy of this is amazingly well served by the paragraph form. I find it chilling and accurate. Nice to see you. You seem to shine always at my dark hour."

Friday, April 25, 2014

Peace, love and communication liars

[Edit: I do not per se remove old posts as I consider this my internet personal history book, I have apologized for the conflict with Lorry 5 and Breezy 7 and so I ask any readers to take this and the related posts with a huge grain of salt. They speak to my poor behavior as much or more than anyone else's. See the apology: ]

Well obviously there is no negotiating with people who say they want to hear all sides and believe in peace love and dialog.

At least Breezy managed to try and talk to me. But Lorry Five apparently means nothing she says she stands for.

Oh well, I will close my email and block her again.

Cest la guerre!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Thomas and I were friends. The troll squad in poetry drove him out of yahoo. Someone came back pretending to be him (but not responding to my emails.) the answers he posts below (from philosophy) include their own self-contradictions.

Thomas says:

I put others ahead of myself no matter what, even those who try to bring 
me down. Even those I may have had as a contact and get questioned 
for it, and suspected. I can't help that. The bible teaches us to love our 
neighbor, not to pick and chose. 

If those who dislike me or make fun, or blog lies about me without a shred 
of evidence would simply communicate with me, they might find I am a 
decent, caring man. A lot of it is I follow Jesus, so that suddenly makes 
me a racist or a suspect at least. I push it on no one, but wear my faith 
on my sleeve, . Do nothing out of boast but only for God's glory, 

and if I am wrong, I will promptly admit it and say "I am sorry." 

If no love from anyone is returned, I cannot control it. 

And Thomas says:

Wisdom is the ability to be able to discern between a person who tries
to tear a person down (the hapless one*) without evidence or anything


A person who clearly puts others ahead of themselves and lifts others up
with encouragement (hugs) and admonishment if needed, but in a loving
way and not leaving the other person worse off than before you entered
into their space.

This will get deleted, but this idiot has me blocked, libels me with his web
site, that deserves to be sued, but hardly anyone reads it, and has no
ability to communicate direct with folks. He hides behind the internet, and
his MO is to hurt others. Well, not me. IMO he needs Jesus Christ badly,
but relies on his own self-will.

*The Hapless one is the name given to me by the people who drove the REAL Thomas out. This one quotes my use of the term Stockholm Syndrome with one hand and criticizes me while saying he will not do so AT THE SAME TIME.

[ A note to Peachy: Nobody reads these blogs. I post them to keep track of the drama in YA! In the past, the troublemakers have managed to fool me twice because I forgot what went down. 
Ironically, although I have less than a thousand readers in two years, but my poetry and that of others, and my raves blog talking about positive things and my pics of Halloween decorations or my garden get no views whereas the small number if readers I get all want to read THIS crap.]

Peace Pact???

[Edit: I do not per se remove old posts as I consider this my internet personal history book, I have apologized for the conflict with Lorry 5 and Breezy 7 and so I ask any readers to take this and the related posts with a huge grain of salt. They speak to my poor behavior as much or more than anyone else's. See the apology: ]

I would like to propose a peace pact between those who want to control Yahoo philosophy for their little (((thugs))) and myself. 

Acknowledge, in Yahoo Philosophy, that you really do understand that spamming the page with questions is offensive. 

That is all I want. I am not foolish enough to think I can turn a mob all by myself.

I just want you to admit you started this mess by your misbehavior.

I don't care to hear more defenses of what you know is wrong.

Also, since Lorry Five "Aussie" Lily claims to want to hear all views and that discussion can solve anything then WRITE TO ME, TALK TO ME and let's sincerely discuss this mess. Or keep trying to prove that sincerity can be proven in the forum of public opinion.

Can you distinguish the Mark of the Charletan?

[Edit: I do not per se remove old posts as I consider this my internet personal history book, I have apologized for the conflict with Lorry 5 and Breezy 7 and so I ask any readers to take this and the related posts with a huge grain of salt. They speak to my poor behavior as much or more than anyone else's. See the apology: ]

Do you know the Mark of the Charletan? 

For Lorry Five "Aussie"* Lily:

Can you distinguish (((((hugs))))) from actual thinking compassion? Is it true that those who preach love and compassion but then slam and abuse others are hypocrites? So is it possible that you can distinguish between people actually trying to be better people from people who are just selling soap because they talk about THEMSELVES trying to be better, rather than saying... "When YOU come from a place of Love, in how YOU treat others aren't YOU really giving YOURself more?" ...instead of talking about themselves. 

It reminds me of the lines from Three Penny Opera... "YOUR vices and OUR virtues are so dear to you..." Always wanting other people to live up to the standards that YOU do not is the mark of the charlatans.

And ultimately you will know them because they can't stop blasting "the sound of their own voice" (i. e. spamming questions) because there is nothing but egotism in their preaching "live". 

I for one think love is an emotion and not a lifestyle. My mistakes are many, but shirking from the truth is not one of them.

*I put "Aussie" in quotes because I don't really believe it. Australia is the land of common sense, not charletan lies.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Threats from the sweetness and light crew

Breezy's friends threatening me:

From: Daniell
Message: Listen to me old son: I can see exactly that you are trying to humiliate these women on yahoo and am telling you again to stop this shit of yours. I'm talking to you in a very nice and decent way now because I believe that this business can be laid to rest peacefully and we can all co-exist peacefully in the philosophy section. But, this will be up to you. I won't make any further comments if you stop with what you are busy, but I'll be watching and getting feed back. And if you touch any of them again, I'll be back on the scene, and I promise you that if I have to return again you're not going to be a happy man any longer.

Hoping that we can bring this matter to a close with mutual understanding and respect.


1st: Telling someone to stop spamming is not shit it is ADVICE.
2nd: Breezy has roundly insulted me by email for asking a simple question.
3rd: How can MY words humiliate them unless THEY have done something wrong??
4th:  Talking in swear words about making threats is NOT "mutual understanding and respect" it is what is behind these folks who hog the pages, thugism. 
5th: Are you Dan or Danielle??? Make up your damned mind!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Breezy Seven Files

Long drawn out morning of emails from Breezy Seven. The upshot. If you ask her why she spams Yahoo philosophy she insults you and avoids the question. 

Can one of her friends ask her for me? She seems to be the most closed off negative thinking person I have ever met who preaches Pollyannaism (you know that philosophy that means "SHUT UP SHUT UP YOU ARE MESSING WITH MY DENIAL!") 

I am sure she will answer here with more insults, as she is fond of blocking me in YAP and addressing me here. But double standards are de regueur for Denialist. They love to hear their own voice and can't stand anyone else's. 

Is that what she is? Can somebody (other than her) vouch for her? What is her damage?

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Odd behavior for someone who eschews negativity

[Edit: I do not per se remove old posts as I consider this my internet personal history book, I have apologized for the conflict with Lorry 5 and Breezy 7 and so I ask any readers to take this and the related posts with a huge grain of salt. They speak to my poor behavior as much or more than anyone else's. See the apology: ]

1. I eschew negativity
2. I block and run without discussion
3. I tell people they should listen to people they are not listening to
4. I rant right in there with the best of them.
5. I point out your foibles instead of my own* and "say" I am going to run and hide as if it were a "new" idea that had just occurred to me.

My response: 
I am not going to excuse my character but to answer your question.  If I said Yahoo was the problem I would be a liar. Yahoo aggravates some flaws in my character, some tendency to want to focus on the behavior of others and thereby avoid looking more at myself, but I like to think I am willing to put it all out there as well. I had a rough childhood and I used to be a homeless alcoholic, so if I "eschew negativity" completely it would require amnesia and also probably kill me. So I think that I have to channel that negativity towards a positive.

A long time ago, that was through intelligent discussions in Yahoo chat. Later it was in Philosophy and in Poetry in Answers. Lately, the place has become a wasteland.  Most of the changes in YA! have been done to prevent "connectivity" that trait which made YA! a community but also made it a target for trolls and spammers.

So the two questions, which I ask rhetorically, are, do we (you and I) add to YA! or are we more a part of the problem, and are our personal strategies working? 

For me, your answers if honest would have to be highly equivocal, as would mine. I am not sure where the line is in social media between defending oneself and doing back what has been done to you.

Whatever your perception of the situation, I wish you well and I advise you to confront negativity, not to try and paper it over. Sometimes negativity is healing and sometimes it is just obligatory. Everything has its shadow, the more so as it is headed towards the light.

*I always tell people that when someone is criticizing someone you will always see they throw in their own failings. There is mine right there. I caught it after the fact, but I will not try and evade pointing it out.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Seriously: questions for Breezy [modified]

[Edit: I do not per se remove old posts as I consider this my internet personal history book, I have apologized for the conflict with Lorry 5 and Breezy 7 and so I ask any readers to take this and the related posts with a huge grain of salt. They speak to my poor behavior as much or more than anyone else's. See the apology: ]

Hey listen, as I was writing this I noticed that Breezy has unblocked me. I am still posting my questions, but I will try and move on vis-a-vis Breezy, as perhaps we can settle our differences by just being instead of arguing over fences.

1. What do you (and Lorry 7 Aussie Lily) get out of posting three or four inane questions in a row in the philosophy section pushing off the page all other more meaningful questions and making it look like your own personal scrapbook rather than a Q&A website?

2. Why, if you didn't report my answers making this same complaint, why did you block me at the same time as they were reported?

3. Do you think there is something obscene about pointing out your spamming?

4. Why do you pretend that I blocked you first when you have never once answered a question of mine? How would you KNOW I had you blocked if you never would have TRIED but to answer my complaints in this site.

5. Why do you ask about the damage of not listening to folks while not listening to me? Kind of like an invitation to respond.

Friday, April 4, 2014

The FASTEST troll in the west

[Edit: I do not per se remove old posts as I consider this my internet personal history book, I have apologized for the conflict with Lorry 5 and Breezy 7 and so I ask any readers to take this and the related posts with a huge grain of salt. They speak to my poor behavior as much or more than anyone else's. See the apology: ]

This question was pulled from Yahoo Answers FASTER THAN I COULD WRITE IT!

Which one of these is the philosophy Troll (as well as a spamming idiot!)

(It will be the one whose link stops working in a minute)

My reported post:

Do you get mad that you read a good question once in a while...?  

...and when you go to answer it, can't because the spam-poster has you blocked for telling them to stop filling the screen with nonsense? 

For example: The British quiz show QI says there are nine to thirteen senses (including proximity, balance, hunger and "feeling of self") which one of these is the sixth sense? 

But I can't answer. 

Another one says "What does your avatar say about you?" 

To which I would answer, "that people like you frustrate the heck out of me and that this web site is permanently broken." 

But I can't answer. 

Does this place make you want to bang your head too?

Additional details:
First Troll says: "With answers like that no wonder you are blocked!  {{((hugs)))}}