Thursday, August 13, 2020

Letter to Valley Medical Group

Subject: Please Don’t Respond

1. Every time I call anyone through Valley Medical at 10am you call back when I am at work at 4pm. 

2. Employees of VMG are snarky and expect me to know VMG ever-changing policies by psychic ability. 

3. Your phone menus lead me to people who complain that I should not call them. 

4. When I called to make a payment plan, I got no response for a week and then daily calls AT WORK after 3pm. 

5. I used to call and see my doctor the same day. When the doctors office forgot to schedule a results visit, the snide VMG operator (not Dr. T’s office) offered one inconvenient slot vs. a three week wait for a return visit. Meanwhile medications ran out and problems resulted. 

6. As a cardiac patient, frustration, aggravation and obfuscation by VMG does nothing to improve my health. 

I’ll make payments on my bill, work around your horrible services and shut off my phone when I get to work, since your offices call from random unrecognizable or blocked numbers. Just don’t contact me.