Thursday, February 19, 2015

If perception changes the perciever does it change what is percieved?

If perception changes the perciever does it change what is percieved?

The mind is a splitter. Everything we look st becomes a zebra when in fact the universe is all gray horses. We see horses when all is gray scenery. 5 million shades of gray when there is one.

The universe is one thing until the mind begins to break it up. Reflection (like a mirror) turned on itself (like two mirrors) results in infinity. Put yourself between two mirrors and see. The mind creates an infinite universe OUT OF ITSELF. Crazier than any Matrix brain-in-a-vat scheme. 

There would be no reality if mind did not distinguish background from object. That is the triad at the center of all things. A father, son and holy scrim if you like. Sky mother and Earth father and you (as the observed one.) Time (out of mind) space and matter/energy. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Against the assertion that religion is irrelevant.

The original question from Yahoo Answers

Q: Religions are just old Cults?
Have you noticed every Cult calls itself a Religion?

A: Cultic thinking is merely when sets of words cohere, and members of a group develop their own language for understanding one another. CBS television is a cult. The followers of Richard Dawkins are a cult. Discussion of the scientific method becomes cult-like. 

Any time someone says use its not it's in a sentence they are closing the walls on a barrier between people, an attempt to make themselves special, a cult of those in the know and those not.

Your word cult does not scare me. You are mad at religion because you percieve their ideas - which you think crazy, irrelevant and dangerous - have succeeded much better than yours do, even now in this most enlightened of ages.

People will ALWAYS seek after deeper truths than science can tell them. When you try and shut them out to build a cult against religion you are doing their work for them, because you cannot chase away a need by shaking your finger.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Fake Thomas in Yahoo Poetry

The original Thomas7 from Yahoo Answers who wrote crappy poetry using archaic words, was a good Christian and warned me that someone was impersonating him is gone. The new Thomas (with or without the 7) who claims to be the old Thomas thinks Boolean and semantics are "made up words" and when I speak the truth about him in comments they get reported and removed. But he says he is the old Thomas and that I have been saying lies again.

I know Thomas and you are not him.

God and the Universe?

What is the most rational view of God and the universe?

To say "I know what I don't know" is never rational. So the atheist is as irrational as the theist. As a planet full of people WE DON'T KNOW if God exists or doesn't. We thought we knew Little people (Hobbits, Leprechauns Etc...) didn't exist UNTIL THEY FOUND THEIR REMAINS on a Polynesian Island. Did some little people travel to Europe and Asia and spread the legend of their existence?

Truth is a tall order from a world full of people who don't know very much. Smart people are like the tall people in a hedge maze, they think they are at an advantage because they see the rough contours of the whole thing better than most, and then they rush headlong down dead alley after dead alley because intelligence breeds arrogance sooner than it breeds insight. The little people (religionists) meanwhile  stand one on top of another and the most intrepid one gets a glimpse of something that even genius cannot fathom. These mystics go "behind the walls" so to speak. They come back with weird tales that get weirder and weirder in the telling, but often the lowly follower has a better grasp of the trip than his much taller scientific counterpart. But is it truth? Does it hold up to examination? Of course not. So the smart one rams into ten more walls getting angrier and angrier at the little know-it-all twerps.

Truth chasing comes down to that old adage "Would you rather be right or happy?" Beliefs that are useful are often not rational and beliefs that are rational are often not very useful.