The Question from Yahoo Answers
Question: Why do I keep changing my mind? Doing one thing one day and changing course the next?
Answer: Some of us are not meant to row just one boat. And some of us are mentally ill. And some of us are both. The difference between polymath and psychopath is not as distinct as you might assume.
Getting help for psychological problems often feels like shutting down the genius of oneself. The trouble is that that can be correct and wrong at the same time. My judgement as a depressive is often very skewed. So I need help. But much of the psychiatric community cannot fathom my statement about polymaths and psychopaths. So they assume any good idea you might have is delusional. So long as you are aware that that is THEIR necessary delusion you can find a balance. It is never going to be as good as we expect our raw genius to be. It just won't be as messed up as it will actually be.
I don't assume you are a teenager, even though I usually make that assumption. Because I recognize a fellow Child of Goldilocks when I see one.