Thursday, January 15, 2015

Poetry rant

The Original Question (probably gone by now)

The trusted members who rule the roost in YAP cannot stand anyone with intelligence talent or an ear for poetry. 

You might find out Neon- er, Elys - er, Pete- er, Tho- er, Ge* - er...

You might find out the emperor has no clothes. 

*Ge has talent, he just follows and obeys those who don't and wants to defend his hegemony over new poets even from those of us who do not threaten it. 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Children of Goldilocks: or Not Being Able To Make Up Your Mind.

The Question from Yahoo Answers

Question: Why do I keep changing my mind? Doing one thing one day and changing course the next?

Answer: Some of us are not meant to row just one boat. And some of us are mentally ill. And some of us are both. The difference between polymath and psychopath is not as distinct as you might assume. 

Getting help for psychological problems often feels like shutting down the genius of oneself. The trouble is that that can be correct and wrong at the same time. My judgement as a depressive is often very skewed. So I need help. But much of the psychiatric community cannot fathom my statement about polymaths and psychopaths. So they assume any good idea you might have is delusional. So long as you are aware that that is THEIR necessary delusion you can find a balance. It is never going to be as good as we expect our raw genius to be. It just won't be as messed up as it will actually be. 

 I don't assume you are a teenager, even though I usually make that assumption. Because I recognize a fellow Child of Goldilocks when I see one.

Rejecting the Infinite Universe; Embracing the Infinite Deity

An infinite universe, to me, causes more problems than it solves. The problem with infinity is that is has a corrosive quality of making everything functionally pea soup. Imagine two images superimposed, and now imagine a million images superimposed and that is what you get in an infinite universe - infinite times over! 

The universe is finite because things that exist must be discrete - i. e. finite. This means that either God must not exist or must not be infinite, unless their is another state beyond absolute finiteness and absolute non-existence. Quantum physics describes something called potential particles that affect the universe EVEN THOUGH THEY DO NOT PHYSICALLY EXIST. 

Particles effect each other forwards and backwards in time. The Big Bang as the theory states, was caused to bang by conditions that existed shortly AFTER the bang triggering its INITIAL state. It was its own parent, so to speak. 

The universe that was to be effected the Big Bang and vice versa. 

The finite universe is driven by potential, whether on the level of quantum physics or at higher energy states by the multiverse. The multiverse is like that superimposed photo metaphor except the superimpositions are implied (i. e. potential) and affecting but not bleeding out the limited universe that IS. Potential drives everything and is the divine engine that runs the universe. I call it/him/her/them God.

If you want goofy pseudo-theories about how human behavior comes from magnetism, read Alex Chiu's Neo-Darwinism:

I personally think that love and hate and joy and fear are expressions of the infinite quality that is consciousness. Consciousness is a sort of touchstone between us and potential. It is the way in which we are made in God's image.