Original Question from Yahoo Answers
Anything which is infinite, by the very nature of the concept becomes all things, as an infinite variety of apples includes at least one that is an orange and one that is an orangutan etc.. So an infinite amount of nothing eventually becomes something.
Atheists do not so much have an argument with the existence of God as they do with the existence of infinity because if anything is infinite unicorns can fly. Infinitude opens the door to gods and monsters but the people who so love the Big Bang that they cannot say "theory" behind it want only one kind of unicorn in the universe - the creating singularity. If you are going to accept something so bizzare as the Big Bang (and Hubble and other long range pictures of the universe confirm it) why not go whole hog and imagine a multiverse where all of the other potential universes are NON-EXISTENCE and our little play gets to be real in REACTION to those shadow plays?
Potential particles rule the atom and the infinite nada rules us.