con·flate: \kən-ˈflāt\ verb
From Latin conflatus, past participle of conflare to blow together, fuse, from com- + flare to blow — more at blow
Date: 1610
transitive verb
1 a: to bring together, fuse; 1b: confuse; 2: to combine (as two readings of a text) into a composite whole.
So in response to my asking why are you conflating ISIS with all of Islam (or in my exaggeration with the black community as well) my friend replies "I am sorry to disappoint you but I just hate them."
Who are THEM?
Hate ISIS? Sure. Hate all of Islam? Stop using math and science then (oh wait, I take that back, they will be banning higher math and science next) Hate the fact that the liberal media gives some blacks a pass on violence? Reinstitute Jim Crow Laws, and don't allow them out after dark. I mean after all, conflating a criminal group with a whole community (or in the case of Islam about 20 communities) is an appropriate response and a MEASURED RESPONSE is just a sign of weakness.
I have discovered first hand what I already knew about the left (that they cannot hear anything but their own side,) is equally true of the right.
So Twitter away, reinforcing what you already believe and damning language with your nonsense shorthand. I'm done.
It's just with society polarizing and speaking different languages, I am left (right of center) with nobody to talk to.
But I will be voting for Hillary Clinton I assure you. Nixon was the last free president (free of the IMF that is) and Clinton was the last SANE president. I'm gonna get in my time machine I vote for the Clintons (as I never did in the nineties) and see if maybe they will bring some sanity back.
As the divide between left and right becomes a chasm, Russia, and other petty dictators around the world are smiling (and killing babies, but the media is only hyping ISIS.)