I was in the bagel shop this morning and I ran into a friend. He mock cut in line in front of me and as I said "Hey!" he turned around and laughed. In this very busy bagel shop, people wait on a line ten or more people long, but they have maybe eight servers, so they get through the line quickly (another ten customers turn up real quick though.)
My friend and I were talking about how some folks, when they place their orders, continue to stand in the way of the line instead of stepping aside, until the line ends up running well out of the door whether in the rain or snow or shine. My friend said, "I used to try and correct people, but they never want to hear it and it just ends up ruining my peace of mind, and getting into altercations."
I agreed and said, "Yeah I stopped playing cop in here a long time ago. But I still play cop out on the internet."
That's when it struck me that I need to be spending much less time wrangling about other people's behavior and focus instead on what I have to say in Yahoo Philosophy. I have gotten quite hot an bothered about some people's inability to take advice OR EVEN JUST ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY HEARD IT. But all of that is frankly NONE OF MY BUSINESS.
So in the light of this, I want to apologize to Breezy Seven and Lorry Five Aussie Lily for not minding my own business and for the pile of things I have said about you both in anger. I want to extend that to others I have jumped on in my misguided attempts to play internet cop, but I will list a certain number of exceptions to the above (this part is the sort of):
I do not nor do I plan to apologize for defending myself from:
Peter Benoit
Pseudo-Thomas 7 (Which is really Peter anyway)
Gene Bourne (Who is Peter's plaything )
Caz and Lapiz Domino (Whom I have nothing against but I never instigated those conflicts)
and Elysabeth (With whom I never instigated the conflict.)
Also on my not apology list is Daniell who threatened me.
That being said, I will attempt, I am sure miserably, to stop focusing on the failings of others (unless they seem to be asking for that advice,)
Happy Hiram
PS: I would ask Lorry Five to please keep my account blocked as despite my apology, I doubt we will ever have anything civil to say to one another. I wish you happiness and peace, especially peace from me.