Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Peter Benwa has started up again...

    Hello Happy Hiram,
    The answer on Yahoo! Answers was reported and deleted by one or more trusted members of the Answers community:

    The Question: Who are good poets on Yahoo Answers?

    My reported answer: "Dave, Nancy, Love Child (aka Firecat), Questor, Crimson Ark and Frederic (when his female fans stop encouraging him to write cliche-ridden gushing messes.)  there were many greats who have moved on: BG, SIN, MTheory, Giggles, FShirley, Mek, Oakwolf, and more; occasionally some of them pop in again for a bit. I am missing at least three excellent poets because my mind is not as supple as it was when I was younger. Dallas! How could I forget to mention her (aka 5ft7 Texas Heaven.)"
    This answer has been removed and 10 points have been deducted from your account. You may not have realized this, but all answers submitted on Yahoo! Answers must comply with the Yahoo Community Guidelines.

    If you believe that your answerwas wrongly deleted by the community and would like to appeal the deletion of your answer, you can have your case reviewed by Answers Customer Care. You have 7 days to submit your appeal. Please be aware that if your appeal is rejected, an additional 10 points will be removed from your account.
    Appeal this decision at: GoF**KyourselfHIRAM
    Yahoo! Answers Team

    PS: Notice the answerwas mistake, this obviously computer generated mess made, and the words on the Appeal link are my addition (just saying how these "non-appeals" feel.)

    I was just telling a friend the other day how Peter catalogs old Q's to smash us with when he decides to move against one of us. Please don't say "Peter Benwa" in your posts, because he might be cataloging your work too.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

When is an Anti-Aids poem really an anti-women poem?

A character in Yahoo Answers who calls himself "Polish" posted this "poem" today:

ANTI AIDS... Does this poetry qualify to help educate?

When one gets a STD
the disease doesn't ask have
you ejaculated?

any touch of an infected vagina
even for a second 
is good enough
but you like to save the cost of a condom

now a days guys and gals
have sex with so many
who has the gift of AIDS for free
none can say

now you also may donate
so play safe
use condoms
have plenty of water
if it stops be happy
else a doc
go and see
To Which I responded:
Wow if dumbing down an idea was a way of promoting it instead of making the idea an embarrassment this would be effective. Instead it sends the message that safe sex is for morons.

When one gets a STD - If you are going to get the grammar wrong then saying "one gets" is like you are mocking yourself.

the disease doesn't ask have you ejaculated? - I mean WTF does this have to do with anything? A) gratuitous crude sex reference, B) half your audience has just been told "women: safe sex is not your concern".

any touch of an infected vagina - again a woman-hating remark. Women are 13X more likely to catch HIV from an infected penis; but this is about "dissing women" not AIDS education, is it.

even for a second is good enough - Huh? WTF man. This is just anti-sex. Don't drink from public water fountains kind of BS. Makes the cause of safe sex look like some form of mental illness.

but you like to save the cost of a condom - For the 0.0001% of the population who are too CHEAP to use a condom this is a powerful line; for the rest of us it is idiotic.

now a days guys and gals - nowadays is a word, but like "an STD" spell check is not gonna fix that for you.

have sex with so many - promiscuity is not the only cause of HIV. More wives have gotten it from their husband's drug use than from infidelity.

who has the gift of AIDS for free - who HAVE maybe you mean?
none can say

now you also may donate - Huh? Donate blood, HIV or donate your body to the disease?

so play safe
use condoms

have plenty of water - dehydration is not a risk factor if it stops be happy - yeah if your STD becomes asymptomatic you are okay?? Terrible terrible idea.

else a doc go and see - Yeah, making fun of going to the doctor is REALLY effective.
Your piece is an example of the main causes of HIV :
1) Ignorance
2) combined with know-it-all-ism
3) combined with mis-information.

This is an ANTI -AIDS-EDUCATION poem. It is pro-disease and superstition.

It makes me want to say "Please stay away from sex - it might result in reproduction."

Go see the original poem in Answers

He THEN added:

A young lad asked here
if he would be a victim of AIDS
as he had sex with an unknown girl
without condom
just touched his penis in and around for less than a minute
This was just a warning to him .

And in poetry
the computer and grammar have to be kept in the closet
You all seem to be great poets
grateful you do hear.

To Which I responded:
Edit: So instead of telling him that HIV is VERY hard to transmit and that he should use a condom next time, you filled his head with paranoia and hatred of women. Man that is even sicker than the poem itself. Some times people who know nothing should just shut up.

If this isn't Peter Benoit and one of his woman-hating, ignorant, scare-tactic rant (I am sure the "young man" he made up,) I would be very surprised.

A site for Teen Health info regarding HIV:

Monday, July 1, 2013

Letter to Caz

I sent this letter to the fraud calling him or herself Caz and got no response:


I haven't written about, read anything by, or even thought about you for the last year or two, until you put my name in your post. 

What exactly is your issue and what did I do that you MISINTERPRETED as a remark?

I assume Peter Benoit has been telling you lies. 

Frankly, I have too low of an opinion of you to bother trading insults,  but as you have lots of suckers conned, your lies about me carry more weight than they should.

What, if anything, are you talking about saying I insulted you and I am jealous of whatever it is I haven't looked at in years.

Or are you using MY notoriety to build up more suckers to your cause?

If you do not respond I will be posting this letter.
