Friday, December 27, 2013

MY APPEAL for a question violation in Yahoo Answers


Happy Hiram
The question on Yahoo Answers was reported and deleted by one or more trusted members of the Answers community:

"What is poetry really supposed to do?"

This question has been removed and 10 points have been deducted from your account. You may not have realized this, but all questions submitted on Yahoo Answers must comply with the Answers Community Guidelines.

If you believe that your questionwas wrongly deleted by the community and would like to appeal the deletion of your question, you can have your case reviewed by Answers Customer Care. You have 7 days to submit your appeal. Please be aware that if your appeal is rejected, an additional 10 points will be removed from your account.



Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Holiday Nightmares Become Boring Commonplaces

Hi friends,

I have done many sorts of volunteer work over the years and I have come up with a simple rule for myself. If I am not willing to WORK for a cause actively I don't just throw money at it. 

That being said, many lives are improved by the work of charities, despite the fact that many charities are 75% overhead and much money donated to overseas causes goes to the hands of politicians, dictators and warlords. Charity is a good impulse. 

Here is where I get annoyed. Just like action movies deaden our response to violence, commercials showing dying babies and sick pets disgust me with the CHARITY, not with the situation. 

Jesus said the poor will always be with us, but that is not a reason not to help. But any charity that is going to throw dead babies into my livingroom will NEVER get money out of me until they change their ways. 

Graphic, gory and manipulative commercials make me a little more cynical every day. Rather than crying over suffering children I am approaching the point of making jokes in a mock narrator's voice. I don't like feeling this way AND I BLAME THE PRODUCERS of such garbage.

Why don't they run a commercial saying "We know you are humane enough to send money without having to be brutalized by a shocking (well unfortunately no longer shocking) graphic commercial during your holiday season."

That (if the dog and cat people joined in too) I would pay for. But I will not send 50 cents a day for being abused and diminished as a human being.

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Appeal that was never sent

Yahoo Answers Reporters flagged one of my answers but I couldn't appeal because the appeal window is broken. My snarky other answer that was reported has a perfectly good appeals page, but I know that answer was against guidelines so I have no desire to appeal it. Seems every time I am in the right, Yahoo prevents me from appealing.

Here is what I would have said:

Advising someone that they are breaking yahoo guidelines CAN'T be against guidelines. God knows none of the hundreds of people I have met in YA can figure the damned things out without advice.

If explaining the guidelines is against the guidelines, you might just as well close shop now.
-Happy Hiram

 Hello Happy Hiram,
The answer on Yahoo Answers was reported and deleted by one or more trusted members of the Answers community:
"Apparently linking to outside sites is against Yahoo guidelines. I post the same poem with and without a link and the one with the link gets reported. Lucky you are that I think reporting is equivalent to aspiring to the quisling of the year award. Didn't read the poem."


Do you think I would have got my answer back?

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Juxtaposing Lives/ Mis-Stepped Waltz

Juxtaposing Lives
by Thomas

Oh Yes I'm young just twelve years old
I had a dream that's not been told
So shy am I to talk to you
And please don't think I have no clue

When Disney had a tee-vee (tv) show
“When Knighthood was in Flowers” grow
A tale of Greensleeves came to me
Not Anne Boleyn or King Henry

A different legend worth a muse
Have sought but never caught to choose
Fair maiden lived her life by day
One time-line always day's display

Then juxtapose a life by night
No equilibrium in sight
A catatonic parallel
Two lives at once it does foretell

At night a woman dark but free
Collateral iniquity
But every time that I wake up
Return to day the maiden's cup

So onward now the search begins
The golden cup for crosses sins
The castles safe as maiden lives
I seek the truth of what forgives

I am My Lady that's for sure
Two personalities no cure
Which one of us will take the prize
The Holy Grail's (mere) exercise
Mis-stepped Waltz
by Hiram

No twelve year old thinks they are young
No tale exists that's not seen tongue
If shy you are which seems quite false
The missteps here are like a waltz

For networks don't have shows these days
Grew, he means, not what he says
(The song from "How the West was Won"?)
A misbeat rhyme, no joke no pun.

Confused, I listen for the thread
And get this gibberish instead
An owl has never a maiden been,
With night glow face of freakish green

Drag this out please, I'm still unclear
Equal WHAT, you bend my ear
Catatonic pair, there's TWO asleep?
Repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat.

After two wasted stanzas, ahem...
Barely describe – and then condemn?
A dream, that soggy lit'ery elf
The story now is 'bout himself?

Throughout the 1800's west?
If crosses sin, I'll eat my cowboy vest
Though maiden's lives are short and rough
More vague-aries -- I've had enough!

A movie Disney never made
My sleeves are green and disarrayed
Not the one who wrote this drivel
Can green sleeves catch this pointless drizzle?

Friday, October 25, 2013

An Answers Poster asks Yahoo Answers

From: TG
To: Yahoo! Answers Team
Sent: Thursday, 24 October 2013, 5:11 PM
Subject: Violations
Dear Yahoo,

Many of us in the poetry section have become targets and are receiving
multiple violations everyday - some from Q's or A's that are years old.

Many of us don't even bother posting questions out of fear of having
our accounts suspended

To say it is disheartening is a vast understatement. If you can't get
a handle on it or change the rules somehow, you are going to lose us.
Your advertisers will notice such things and spend their budgets with
sites that are more user-friendly.

That you give one person the power to do this with one click is
something I do not understand. You trust them forever because their
'history' was always accurate? That is known site-wide - and some of
them did exactly that so they could then have the power to go after
the rest of us.

Well, it was fun while it lasted.
TG - Uh Huh

From: Yahoo! Answers Team
To: TG
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2013 5:52 PM
Subject: Re: violations

How does Community Moderation work?

This article describes moderation of questions & answers in Yahoo
Answers community. Community reporting empowers reliable Answers users to help us more quickly remove inappropriate questions & answers. Members of the community who reliably identify and report questions and answers will
have more influence than others.

-- Yahoo! Answers Team


From: TG
To: Yahoo! Answers Team
Sent: Thursday, 24 October 2013, 6:11 PM
Subject: Re: violations

These are quotes from you Guidelines:

If a question or answer is reported by one or more reliable users,
it will be removed.

I have one account only - I know of people who have had over 100 accounts.

We try blocking the ones we know are doing this, but it's completely
ineffective; they merely create new accounts and attack us with those

Oh, and thank you for the form letter reply.



From: Yahoo! Answers Team
To: TG
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2013 7:15 PM
Subject: Re: Violations
Dear TG,

It appeared you assumed that somehow people were given power to remove
content with one click, so we assumed you hadn't seen the way CM
actually worked.

-- Yahoo! Answers Team

From: TG
To: Yahoo! Answers Team
Sent: Thursday, 24 October 2013, 7:31 PM
Subject: Re: violations

No, I didn't assume that at all. I just know that one person who
managed to garner himself more than one blue ribbon for reporting
genuine violations has done just that with two or more of his multiple
accounts. It is with those accounts, one person is able to report the
same question or answer two or more times. Did you not read the very guidelines you referred me to?


No Further Response! Yahoo!

If the above bothers you,

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Protesting Yahoo Advertizers

An email interchange, sent to me by my dear friend BG.

Dear Yahoo Advertiser,

I noticed your ad in Yahoo Answers and I just wanted to let you know that I am never using your services so long as you associate yourselves with Yahoo.

Bobby's Girl

    Hey Bobby's Girl,
    I'm incredibly sorry for any frustration caused by our site! However, I'm a bit confused as we are not affiliated with Yahoo. If you could be more specific as to the issue you are facing I would be happy to assist you.

    Help Team (@Yahoo Advertiser)

Dear Yahoo Advertiser,

Uhmmm, I owe you an apology - but I saw your ad on Yahoo Answers & this website has become a cesspool; I wanted to complain to the advertisers since Yahoo does nothing about our problems with the site. I randomly clicked - and you were the unfortunate recipient of my bad mood.
Please, I invite you to share with your co-workers my deepest apologies for being mean to you. I try never to go that direction - but I often detour from Idiot Street to Imbecile Avenue when I really wanted to take the High Road.
(I will ask directions next time.)

Friday, October 18, 2013

Skunkfluck and Texans, read em and weap...

If you put dot dot dot on separate lines
In front of your poem every time
It means you like to meet women on line
And abuse them for a good time.

Write a pretty stanza and sometimes rhyme
But use a crooked avatar from some porn site
The you must be bilking old ladies with rhymes
About missing children, and wound sites.

I can write a rhyme using the same words at the ends
And still be more original than daily romantic tripe
When love is the moon and a prison and a light - it never ends
But never once do these hacks look at themselves and say "Yipe!"

There are child fiddlers, report diddlers and Egyptian saboteurs
Murdering Hapsuchshit till you want to shout out "Help!"
There are merry widows, teen angst and dried up bachelors,
But the worst offenders frankly ask for homework help.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Letter to John Boehner

My sister sent a letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

 It said:

Dear Mr. Speaker, John Boehner,
If I don't get a social security check I won't eat this month if I can't eat no one in the House of Representatives should be entitled to a pay check. I worked hard all my life and paid into SS and you people think you have the right to play games with me, and all the seniors who paid into SS all their lives?
An Irate Retiree

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The New New York Magazine Format

They are promoting it as being less cluttered!

A Week Later and it is still a MESS!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Unexpected Guest

Peter made his appearance at our gathering, in Ohio:

Here he is in close-up (so you can see his blue balls.)

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Peter Benwa has started up again...

    Hello Happy Hiram,
    The answer on Yahoo! Answers was reported and deleted by one or more trusted members of the Answers community:

    The Question: Who are good poets on Yahoo Answers?

    My reported answer: "Dave, Nancy, Love Child (aka Firecat), Questor, Crimson Ark and Frederic (when his female fans stop encouraging him to write cliche-ridden gushing messes.)  there were many greats who have moved on: BG, SIN, MTheory, Giggles, FShirley, Mek, Oakwolf, and more; occasionally some of them pop in again for a bit. I am missing at least three excellent poets because my mind is not as supple as it was when I was younger. Dallas! How could I forget to mention her (aka 5ft7 Texas Heaven.)"
    This answer has been removed and 10 points have been deducted from your account. You may not have realized this, but all answers submitted on Yahoo! Answers must comply with the Yahoo Community Guidelines.

    If you believe that your answerwas wrongly deleted by the community and would like to appeal the deletion of your answer, you can have your case reviewed by Answers Customer Care. You have 7 days to submit your appeal. Please be aware that if your appeal is rejected, an additional 10 points will be removed from your account.
    Appeal this decision at: GoF**KyourselfHIRAM
    Yahoo! Answers Team

    PS: Notice the answerwas mistake, this obviously computer generated mess made, and the words on the Appeal link are my addition (just saying how these "non-appeals" feel.)

    I was just telling a friend the other day how Peter catalogs old Q's to smash us with when he decides to move against one of us. Please don't say "Peter Benwa" in your posts, because he might be cataloging your work too.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

When is an Anti-Aids poem really an anti-women poem?

A character in Yahoo Answers who calls himself "Polish" posted this "poem" today:

ANTI AIDS... Does this poetry qualify to help educate?

When one gets a STD
the disease doesn't ask have
you ejaculated?

any touch of an infected vagina
even for a second 
is good enough
but you like to save the cost of a condom

now a days guys and gals
have sex with so many
who has the gift of AIDS for free
none can say

now you also may donate
so play safe
use condoms
have plenty of water
if it stops be happy
else a doc
go and see
To Which I responded:
Wow if dumbing down an idea was a way of promoting it instead of making the idea an embarrassment this would be effective. Instead it sends the message that safe sex is for morons.

When one gets a STD - If you are going to get the grammar wrong then saying "one gets" is like you are mocking yourself.

the disease doesn't ask have you ejaculated? - I mean WTF does this have to do with anything? A) gratuitous crude sex reference, B) half your audience has just been told "women: safe sex is not your concern".

any touch of an infected vagina - again a woman-hating remark. Women are 13X more likely to catch HIV from an infected penis; but this is about "dissing women" not AIDS education, is it.

even for a second is good enough - Huh? WTF man. This is just anti-sex. Don't drink from public water fountains kind of BS. Makes the cause of safe sex look like some form of mental illness.

but you like to save the cost of a condom - For the 0.0001% of the population who are too CHEAP to use a condom this is a powerful line; for the rest of us it is idiotic.

now a days guys and gals - nowadays is a word, but like "an STD" spell check is not gonna fix that for you.

have sex with so many - promiscuity is not the only cause of HIV. More wives have gotten it from their husband's drug use than from infidelity.

who has the gift of AIDS for free - who HAVE maybe you mean?
none can say

now you also may donate - Huh? Donate blood, HIV or donate your body to the disease?

so play safe
use condoms

have plenty of water - dehydration is not a risk factor if it stops be happy - yeah if your STD becomes asymptomatic you are okay?? Terrible terrible idea.

else a doc go and see - Yeah, making fun of going to the doctor is REALLY effective.
Your piece is an example of the main causes of HIV :
1) Ignorance
2) combined with know-it-all-ism
3) combined with mis-information.

This is an ANTI -AIDS-EDUCATION poem. It is pro-disease and superstition.

It makes me want to say "Please stay away from sex - it might result in reproduction."

Go see the original poem in Answers

He THEN added:

A young lad asked here
if he would be a victim of AIDS
as he had sex with an unknown girl
without condom
just touched his penis in and around for less than a minute
This was just a warning to him .

And in poetry
the computer and grammar have to be kept in the closet
You all seem to be great poets
grateful you do hear.

To Which I responded:
Edit: So instead of telling him that HIV is VERY hard to transmit and that he should use a condom next time, you filled his head with paranoia and hatred of women. Man that is even sicker than the poem itself. Some times people who know nothing should just shut up.

If this isn't Peter Benoit and one of his woman-hating, ignorant, scare-tactic rant (I am sure the "young man" he made up,) I would be very surprised.

A site for Teen Health info regarding HIV:

Monday, July 1, 2013

Letter to Caz

I sent this letter to the fraud calling him or herself Caz and got no response:


I haven't written about, read anything by, or even thought about you for the last year or two, until you put my name in your post. 

What exactly is your issue and what did I do that you MISINTERPRETED as a remark?

I assume Peter Benoit has been telling you lies. 

Frankly, I have too low of an opinion of you to bother trading insults,  but as you have lots of suckers conned, your lies about me carry more weight than they should.

What, if anything, are you talking about saying I insulted you and I am jealous of whatever it is I haven't looked at in years.

Or are you using MY notoriety to build up more suckers to your cause?

If you do not respond I will be posting this letter.


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Happy Hiram's 12 Secrets of a Successful Life

Happy Hiram's 12 Secrets of a Successful Life
(Yes, most of these ideas were originated by others, see #5)

1. What you DO is who you ARE.

2. Believe your own bullshit. If you are not for you then who will be?

3. Take the best care of yourself and you will have plenty to offer others out of your bounty. If you sacrifice your well-being to help, it's like driving the car with no oil and bad breaks. Martyrdom makes you an accident waiting to happen. Being self-centered is the first step towards useful selflessness.

4. Anger and resentments are like peeing your pants to punish someone else; nobody feels it but you.

5. Learn to listen. Teams are smarter than individuals.

6. Forgive other and yourself not because it is right or nice but because when you forgive you are releasing yourself from the prison of the past. But do it when you are ready, not before.

7. Neither a borrower nor a lender be. If you help someone, think of it as a gift. Accept help when given but never mortgage yourself to your problems, or they will own you.

8. Lies have short legs, so run with the truth. Everyone has a slightly different version of what is happening around them, but when you lie the “furniture” doesn't match the “decor” and your character gets beaten up even while you think you are fooling people. They see through it, even when they don't know it yet.

9. Be the spider, not the fly in your network. Design your supports around your needs, don't just get "caught up" in what you wander into.

10. Guide your instincts, don't let your instincts be your guide. Brains and guts don't function as well independently as they do in concert.

11. You can't eat blueprints. Make plans but do not live in sand castles of future gain.

12. Nothing is between you and others, it is all between you and God (or if you prefer, you and yourself.)

Monday, June 10, 2013

Telephonic Adventures


Calling the 800 number of Penny Cards International Calling Cards

"Hi, does your $10 phone card cover international cell phone to cell phone calls?"

"Yes, but..."

"I'm sorry.Does your $10 phone card cover international cell phone to cell phone calls?"
 "Yes, but you need to set up a $25 account with us and..."

"I'm sorry.Does your $10 phone card cover international cell phone to cell phone calls?"

"No, but if you..." CLICK. 

Adventures with SURI*
*The voice command seach app for the iPhone 5

Suri: "How can I help you?"

Me: "Phone Cards"

Suri: "I'm thinking..."  

Suri: "How can I help you?"

Me: "Sim Cards"

Suri: "I'm thinking..."

WTF eh?

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Montclair Fakery (or how to declare "bike"-ruptcy.)

Last month I was driving through Montclair, New Jersey wishing I were bicycling instead, but my bike had two flat tires.

Instead of going to the store and spending $22 on a bike pump, I stopped in an upscale bike shop in that town and asked how much it would cost to get air in the tires. Two nice women answered me, one saying "air is free" and the other saying "They can check your brakes for $5 a bike too, but if something needs adjusting it will cost more.

Thanking them, I gather my bike and a friends, loaded them on my bike rack and went off to the store the next day. First mistake. They are CLOSED on Wednesdays. Oh well, my bad.

The next day, we did the same thing. The owner/manager was on the phone for 10 minutes having a social conversation before he could address me. I assume if he weren't the owner, he couldn't get away with that.

I explained that I was told air was free, and that while I hadn't used the bikes in two years, that two years ago I had put a $100 into them and used them exactly once. So I would like to know if anything needed tuning up (which I could do myself) but didn't want to spend more than $30 total. He said, no problem, explain that to the mechanics downstairs.

So I went downstairs and explained to the young man fixing bikes that I didn't plan on spending more than $30, and why.

He says, "Let me look at the bikes." One is a used mountain bike that I bought for $30. The other is an ancient Schwinn that cost $10 in a yard sale.

"Okay, I can fix them for you. That'll be $90 a piece, up front."

I admit, I raised my voice. "Are you CRAZY?"

He looked at me as if I had committed the most heinous of sins.

"Are YOU raising your voice at ME," he asked.

I paused for a moment, Montclair after all being a communist city, the might have an ordinance against loud talking. But I decided to take my chances.


I and my friend grabbed our bikes to leave.

"Where are you going?" The young man asked surprised.

"Is there a problem?" The manager said, from the upstairs window, cell phone still in hand.

"YOUR EMPLOYEE WANTS TO RIP US OFF, AND HE IS SURPRISED WE AREN'T BUYING!" I shouted so that people up and down the street looked up, surprised.

"DON'T GO!" he shouted as we left.

Don't go, is right. $22 dollars and a pair of pliers and we are riding the bikes just fine.

Always wear a helmet. And use your head when dealing with salespeople.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Barbie and Lovely Speak!

Notes from the Yahoo Consume-Yer Cervix Department
(Check out my Letter to Yahoo in the next post,
and stay at the bottom of this one for the musical finale!)

01/30/2013 02:03 PM
Dear Yahoo Customer Service,

I went to open my account today and it did not recognize my password. It then asked me a question “Who is your favorite uncle?” that I never installed, (because I have more than 10 uncles NONE of whom I know personally, so what was supposed to be the right answer?) I tried them all and it locked the account.

Can you please send me a new temporary password to my listed alternate account

Thank You.

H. H.
PS: your Captcha codes are messed up.
02/02/2013 03:14 PM
Hello Yahoo! User,
Thank you for being a Yahoo! user. I want to apologize for any inconvenience this issue has caused you.
We've updated your account information by adding your alternate email address or mobile number. You can now use this information to clear the verification prompt. Unfortunately, at this time, we cannot clear the prompt for you.
To access your account:
Go to the Yahoo! sign-in page.
Enter your Yahoo! ID and password; and select Sign In.
Enter the security CAPTCHA code. (If you do not see a randomly generated code, simply proceed to the next step.)
Select Receive Code.
Enter/select the new alternate email address "" or mobile number, then select Receive Code again. A code will be sent to the email address/mobile number you entered.
IMPORTANT: Do not navigate away from the page where you entered your alternate email address or mobile number. If you are using your alternate email address, please open a new browser tab or window to retrieve the code. If you navigate away from the verification prompt, the code that was sent will not be accepted.
Once you receive the code, you will need to enter it on the page referred to above. This will bring you to a screen to update your current password.
Please make sure to choose a password you have not previously used on your account before. It is very important to keep your password private at all times. A good password contains a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters; numbers; and/or special characters such as %, $, and +.
For help selecting a strong password and/or safeguarding it against misuse, please review the tips posted in the password section of the Yahoo! Security Center.
Here are some common ways your user name and password could have been compromised:
Responding to a fraudulent "phishing" email pretending to be from Yahoo! asking for your user name and password.
A type of malicious software called a "keylogger" on your computer.
Allowing third parties access to your account.
Leaving your account signed in at a public location.
Utilizing the same password across multiple online services or applications.
Some users have reported that the message containing the code is being blocked by Google's spam filter, or by their e-mail provider. If you do not receive the message, be sure to check in your spam folder. The message will be titled "Your Yahoo! Login Verification Code".
Additional information on this, and other Yahoo! products, can be found on the Yahoo! help page.
If you have any further concerns regarding this issue Yahoo! User, please let me know and I will be happy to assist you.
Yahoo! Customer Care
Auto-Response 02/02/2013 03:14 PM
Thank you for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care.
Your Incident ID is: $#%*!&@^#^%#@

We will assume your issue has been resolved if we do not hear from you within 72 hours.

Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you.

02/02/2013 09:11 PM
Dear Yahoo,
My email,, does not recognize my password and the security question (one I would not have picked as I have 10+ uncles and no favorites) will not open for ANY of the names of my uncles (I even tried Uncle Sam which is not one of them.) Also the Captcha system is not validating me. There is no "getting past" the Captcha page.

I did not picking this security question and I feel like this is an attempt to extort my phone number out of me. Can I please access my account without having to give you personal information?
H. H.

Response Via Email (Lovely) 02/06/2013 12:30 AM
Hi Yahoo! User,
Thank you for taking the time to reach out again about your concern. I hope I will be able to further assist you with the issue.
We are sorry to hear that you are having difficulty with our alternate email address/mobile number verification process. Below are some common reasons why you may be having trouble verifying your email address or mobile number:
The email never arrives
If you are not getting the verification email at all, please make sure that you are using a valid email address. If you have tried to verify your alternate email address several times and you still never receive the email although your address is valid, we recommend asking your ISP or email provider if they are blocking any mail from Yahoo!. You may need to turn off any spam or junk mail filters so that the email is not misdirected. Also, please note that while the email will arrive quickly, it is not instantaneous. In some cases, the email may be delayed several hours due to Internet traffic and the email delivery route. If you and your ISP are not blocking any email and if it has been over 24 hours since you've requested a verification code, please let us know by following the instructions in the bottom section of this email.
You have received a "Verification link is no longer valid" or "OOPS! you are already signed in" error message.
If you are still having problems with the verification process, we encourage you to try going through the online process once again. If you are having the email sent to a valid alternate email address, you should receive a new copy of the verification message.
Additional information on this, and other Yahoo! products, can be found on the Yahoo! help page.
If you have any further issues Yahoo! User, please let me know and I will be happy to assist you.
Yahoo! Customer Care

If you are reporting abuse, we appreciate your efforts to make our community better. We will investigate and take action where appropriate, and may contact you if additional information is required to complete our investigation.
If you are submitting a request for assistance, or asking a question, we will respond as soon as possible.
The Yahoo! Customer Care Team

Feb 6, 2013 at 8:30 PM
Dear Yahoo,
You said to pick a new password, won't open for new or old password. This is idiotic. The problem remains the same.

Cannot answer question, it will not take my password. What ever happened to sending a new password?????

How can you rob me of my account like this?

H. H.
Recently you requested personal assistance from our on-line support center. Below is a summary of your request and our response.

Wrong security question
Discussion Thread
Response Via Email (Lovely) 02/06/2013 12:30 AM
(See Above, 2 page of material)
Customer By Email (Yahoo! User) 02/02/2013 09:11 PM
(See Above, 1/2 page of material)
Response Via Email (Emily) 02/02/2013 03:14 PM
(See Above, 2 page of material)
Customer (Yahoo! User) 01/30/2013 02:03 PM
(See Above, 1/2 page of material)
We will assume your issue has been resolved if we do not hear from you within 72 hours.

Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you.

02/14/2013 08:19 AM
You send me ten pages of gobbledygook filled with useless advice for problems I am not having, with no contact email for further questions and completely ignoring that my account may have been hacked. I demand the right to close an account. I get all the liability and you get all the control is why the hackers and terrorists rule the Internet.

Thanks for your continued support of the Chinese governments espionage system you moronic answer-bot.

H. H.
Sent from my iPhone
Wrong security question
Discussion Thread
Response Via Email (Barbie) 02/14/2013 05:59 PM
Hello Yahoo! User,
Before addressing your concern, I apologize that your issue has not been fully resolved.
Some users have reported that the message containing the code is being blocked by Google's spam filter, or by their e-mail provider. If you do not receive the message or the code, be sure to check in your Spam or Trash folders. The message will be titled "Your Yahoo! Login Verification Code".
Also, you may try accessing your "" account using a different browser (ex. IE or Google Chrome).
Lastly, you may clear your browser's as well. For specific instructions, you may refer to the link below:
Additional information on this, and other Yahoo! products, can be found on the Yahoo! help page.
If you have any further issues Yahoo! User, please let me know and I will be happy to assist you.
Yahoo! Customer Care

02/16/2013 02:13 PM
to Yahoo!


H. H.

A Letter to Yahoo

Dear Yahoo,

Until recently, when an user had a problem entering an account, you sent a temporary password to the user's back-up account. But when my password security questions AND your Captcha system went rogue in January, you repeatedly sent gobbledygook about using the Captcha or submitting in windows (that were inaccessible) to have a temporary password sent. Not to mention the fact that you hide your Help Email Address and make the reader pour through jargony pages of "Help" files. (A hint, the name is an oxymoron, they never help.) You blocked my account and wasted weeks of my time reading nonsense sent by computer generated drones like “Barbie” and “Lovely” and eventually my password JUST WORKED one day! (Oddly, I had sent myself an email to PROVE that despite your “This account name has not been taken” messages that the account name HAD in fact been taken. In fact on my Linux computer, accounts and passwords are automatically stored, so it is not like I could have misstyped it. Just when I was going to prove you were contradicting yourselves, the problem MAGICALLY went away!)

Your responses repeatedly used the term "alternate account" which I suspect means you devalued this email because I have more than one Yahoo account. Other Yahoo email accounts I have I have stopped using because I could not trust them. I found hundreds of "messages" sent out from them with machine code for text, although I have never sent a yahoo "message" in my life. I know dozens of people who have Yahoo accounts that they have abandoned because of such problems. Yahoo is getting a reputation as the safe harbor for hackers and internet espionage.

Why do you continue to destroy your reputation with this automated bullshit? You treated us like idiots, blocked account for weeks and I suspect none of that would have happened (to me) if I gave you my cell phone number to spy on and sell, because if you can't make money out of me by "connecting the dots" to everything I text, buy and say then I am worthless for you and you can treat me as garbage. Frankly, if I gave you everything you WANTED you would still treat me like garbage.

I think Yahoo is an evil company. But unlike Facebook which is just evil, you are evil and horribly mismanaged.