One two three four, a parody of Bannibal's four lessons:
Poetic Clean-up
On a beauteous day at a family picnic
I have to bow out for a drunken sick
Please read this careful, it clever and obscure
No one knows porcelain like a drunk internet whore.
Diary of a Troll
Switching accounts causes me to sweat
They'll ne'er recognize me now I'll bet
I hide the hand that tips off the mind
I'm stupid and insane, hope the readers are blind!
But my hemorrhoids aching deep and strong
Perhaps I have sat in this chair too long
Satan's corpse
I found a devil in my own back yard
And hit him with my shovel HARD
But finding he was still quite alert
I tried to pile him up with dirt
Now in my garden, nothing grows
No flowers, nor leaves
...just the Devil's nose!
It wasn't the devil that killed my joy
It was my own hasty digging - excitable boy!
Swallowing the Worm
Tossing the bottle off the porch
"I've had enough!" my pal fetched it of course
If I had dumped it or drank five more swigs
He wouldn't have poisoned himself with the whole thing.
Standing over his sorrowful grave
How did the worms taste
How do the worms like YOU Dave?
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Best and Worst First Week of April
Best and worst week 6
Lo and behold, we have a gem by Dallas. I have been waiting for you to make the best list. Long overdue given you capability: question/index;_ylt= AskL5mUKVtXcx0NuDrHNBpyn5HNG;_ ylv=3?qid= 20120328110336AApqGAW
The whole family is having a good week. Here is a good'un from Kels: question/index;_ylt= At9TW9aVsAzg75U3cfohMP6n5HNG;_ ylv=3?qid= 20120329113746AAvfcoz
Cassie58 also makes a contribution (not her best of her best but even her mediocre poems easily make the best list: question/index;_ylt=AgQ6. A3m5OARh7OTdTz.BNan5HNG;_ylv= 3?qid=20120329085501AADbJl0
Dave almost made the worst list on Sunday, but others have just been badder.
Quote of the week (TBO complaining about his own typical behavior in others:
"personally,I try to make others look into a mirror. PRIDE causes them to post after saying they left. some can not take even a hint of correction. but come back for more .then cry over TD." question/index;_ylt= AuFaWScW5TNwvO.oj5SZ1F6n5HNG;_ ylv=3?qid= 20120325205318AAeLevO
Cassie58 in a rare dreadful piece, reads like a sonnet f-for st-St-stutterers. question/index;_ylt=Ao.QBTXTp_ PoE1UW2Y2DXPmn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid= 20120324043154AA3SaRf
Koye continues to return and destroy his fantastic reputation as a poet by writing trite, knee-jerk liberal truisms as if they were deep insights, like this one: question/index;_ylt= AmLr1ROTFnKlc9FmC5ND5_.n5HNG;_ ylv=3?qid= 20120323182456AAN7LQd
This one is not a surprise as Gene is always a likely candidate for the worst list. If I were to write the above in Gene's style it would day this:
This one not surprise
Always a likely
Gene for the worst list
Write it in
The style of above
[It actually reads better because you already know what I am trying to say.]
How about this one:
Broken phrases
writing does not constitute
Poetry, impressed
People are by the amateur.
Which means:
Writing in broken phrases does not constitute poetry. Why are people so impressed by this amateur mess?
Here it is: question/index;_ylt= AnXOC8WULTFjZpmNA_m2BbSn5HNG;_ ylv=3?qid= 20120326031028AAB2YyG
Lo and behold, we have a gem by Dallas. I have been waiting for you to make the best list. Long overdue given you capability:
The whole family is having a good week. Here is a good'un from Kels:
Cassie58 also makes a contribution (not her best of her best but even her mediocre poems easily make the best list:
Dave almost made the worst list on Sunday, but others have just been badder.
Quote of the week (TBO complaining about his own typical behavior in others:
"personally,I try to make others look into a mirror. PRIDE causes them to post after saying they left. some can not take even a hint of correction. but come back for more .then cry over TD."
Cassie58 in a rare dreadful piece, reads like a sonnet f-for st-St-stutterers.
Koye continues to return and destroy his fantastic reputation as a poet by writing trite, knee-jerk liberal truisms as if they were deep insights, like this one:
This one is not a surprise as Gene is always a likely candidate for the worst list. If I were to write the above in Gene's style it would day this:
This one not surprise
Always a likely
Gene for the worst list
Write it in
The style of above
[It actually reads better because you already know what I am trying to say.]
How about this one:
Broken phrases
writing does not constitute
Poetry, impressed
People are by the amateur.
Which means:
Writing in broken phrases does not constitute poetry. Why are people so impressed by this amateur mess?
Here it is:
Peter can't lie for lying
[An email I wrote someone in March]
Pete can't lie for lying.
Here is Peter's latest post [all but one paren being mine, he said (HH).]
Pete writes:
I would like to see Gio on the one hand, and Dave, CW, and Funky Monkey on the other, post apologies to one another. (No he wouldn't) REAL APOLOGIES, (He means fakes like HIS apologies) none of the insults as usual. You are all wrong! (Lie) Yes, Gio, even you. (He does not mean also Gio) I will start it off. (No he won't he is just going to lie some more.)
I apologize to Nancy for overreacting to her insult. (He doesn't mean this) I hope she can see her friends for what they are, (this is what he means, believe his lies about her friends, ALSO a lie) because the sentiments I have expressed, and the facts I disclosed, all came from them (lie) They are no friends. (lie)
I apologize to Kathy, (no he doesn't, he just finished insulting her!) for disclosing what she privately said about Nancy. Nancy should know that those she has taken at face value have to be scrutinized a bit more. (Making a lie out of the apology and defending his duplicity while decrying her's!)
I apologize to all for any extra accounts I created out of frustration for purposes of answering your posts, (no he doesn't/not why he created them - a double lie!) but usually did so only when I was being attacked. (a lie) I do know that others have been creating accounts with my name, (lie) and in the case of one former user (HH) [I am not a "former user" as I did not "retire", another lie) my likeness, to damage my credibility. (lies)
Let me close by saying that the root problem here, (a lie) as in so much of life, (a lie) is the extremely thin skins too many possess. (a lie, the root problem being vicious malicious users like Pete)There are no great poets here, (lie, and he means besides himself, another double lie) only people wishing to share their writing and hopefully to improve. (he does not believe this and so it is, for him, a lie) And now, I would like all of you to post your apologies. (no he wouldn't - a lie) It would be a hopeful beginning. (a lie.)
Peter (only true statement here.) question/index;_ylt=Ao.QBTXTp_ PoE1UW2Y2DXPmn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid= 20120323135634AArKPzN
Is it gone? Peter is quick to remove his obnoxious remarks so that they don't get reported.
Pete can't lie for lying.
Here is Peter's latest post [all but one paren being mine, he said (HH).]
Pete writes:
I would like to see Gio on the one hand, and Dave, CW, and Funky Monkey on the other, post apologies to one another. (No he wouldn't) REAL APOLOGIES, (He means fakes like HIS apologies) none of the insults as usual. You are all wrong! (Lie) Yes, Gio, even you. (He does not mean also Gio) I will start it off. (No he won't he is just going to lie some more.)
I apologize to Nancy for overreacting to her insult. (He doesn't mean this) I hope she can see her friends for what they are, (this is what he means, believe his lies about her friends, ALSO a lie) because the sentiments I have expressed, and the facts I disclosed, all came from them (lie) They are no friends. (lie)
I apologize to Kathy, (no he doesn't, he just finished insulting her!) for disclosing what she privately said about Nancy. Nancy should know that those she has taken at face value have to be scrutinized a bit more. (Making a lie out of the apology and defending his duplicity while decrying her's!)
I apologize to all for any extra accounts I created out of frustration for purposes of answering your posts, (no he doesn't/not why he created them - a double lie!) but usually did so only when I was being attacked. (a lie) I do know that others have been creating accounts with my name, (lie) and in the case of one former user (HH) [I am not a "former user" as I did not "retire", another lie) my likeness, to damage my credibility. (lies)
Let me close by saying that the root problem here, (a lie) as in so much of life, (a lie) is the extremely thin skins too many possess. (a lie, the root problem being vicious malicious users like Pete)There are no great poets here, (lie, and he means besides himself, another double lie) only people wishing to share their writing and hopefully to improve. (he does not believe this and so it is, for him, a lie) And now, I would like all of you to post your apologies. (no he wouldn't - a lie) It would be a hopeful beginning. (a lie.)
Peter (only true statement here.)
Is it gone? Peter is quick to remove his obnoxious remarks so that they don't get reported.
Yahoo Has Gone Away -- No Such Luck!

Dear Yahoo,
Over the years in Yahoo Answers I have been offended insulted and reported hundreds of times sometimes dozens of times in a week, I have been slandered in so many ridiculous ways, I have filed complaint after complaint that your system is buggy and THEN, after years of abuse, I get a warning notice in a week with only FOUR violations (practically a first week that low,) but some troll-control person in Yahoo takes and interest in me and BAM I have no more account. Yes I insulted those attacking me because it was my last chance.
If your system is completely broken you give the users no other choice. Your company has never once responded to anything I have ever written, and you do not fix the gaping problems in your "monitoring system" so I should not have been suspended.
That's the truth.
Their response:
Thank you for emailing Yahoo!
Unfortunately this email address is no longer used for Customer Care inquiries. For better routing please visit us at Yahoo! Help where you can search or browse all Yahoo! product or account answers to the most common questions, find how-tos and tutorials, as well as contact Customer Care.
Boo-Dis, Boo-Dis, Buddhist!
"Self" wrote this piece about a father fixing his angry son by having
him hammer a nail in the fence every time he got angry. After that he
had him remove one every time he went a day without getting angry. Then
he points to all the holes and says apologizing is pointless because the
holes still remain, basically punishing the child for reforming. So I
wanted to mock the piece, but she removed it. Here is my response anyway
(for your entertainment.):
Why I am not a Buddhist:
[I wish I had the original here to show you what I am mocking, but Buddhists write in sand and then erase their answers in a sort of passive-aggressive egolessness.]
variant 1:
A father saw his son getting angry all the time so he told him to put a nail through their front fence every time he got angry. But the "father" was a woman author who didn't realize that boys LOVE to hammer nails!
variant 2:
The father told his son, every time you sit in judgement on another, put a nail in the fence. The boy noticed that right away his father put his millionth nail in the fence for his remarks to his son. Self and Hiram were right next to him hammering in their nails.
variant 3:
The boy removed the last of the nails once his anger had subsided and his father said "See, the holes are still there. You cannot remove the hurt by apologizing. So the boy hammered in another two nails, one for his father's annoying and insulting exercise and one for his anger at the results.
Why I am not a Buddhist:
[I wish I had the original here to show you what I am mocking, but Buddhists write in sand and then erase their answers in a sort of passive-aggressive egolessness.]
variant 1:
A father saw his son getting angry all the time so he told him to put a nail through their front fence every time he got angry. But the "father" was a woman author who didn't realize that boys LOVE to hammer nails!
variant 2:
The father told his son, every time you sit in judgement on another, put a nail in the fence. The boy noticed that right away his father put his millionth nail in the fence for his remarks to his son. Self and Hiram were right next to him hammering in their nails.
variant 3:
The boy removed the last of the nails once his anger had subsided and his father said "See, the holes are still there. You cannot remove the hurt by apologizing. So the boy hammered in another two nails, one for his father's annoying and insulting exercise and one for his anger at the results.
Best and Worst last Week of March
Week four best and worst.
At first this werk Adeline_cosine seemed to be the only player. Here is a good'un with lots of subtle meaning: question/index;_ylt=Aiqjcy_ PBlj.K3EFtth5qD.n5HNG;_ylv=3? qid=20120314151710AAJ8fh1
Kels gets a simple idea out beautifully: question/index;_ylt= AtuMnrNA9pc33b45P4dzQiqn5HNG;_ ylv=3?qid= 20120315124815AA6mA3o
All women this week, not a surprise as the men are too busy slugging it out, but this one is unique. Every time Caz tries to write in her old jabberwocky style it falls flat ( as this one did, in an earlier version,) but unlike her other efforts this one does not fall apart by being corrected: question/index;_ylt= Apsz5CxbIqjeuDOXleUK5xen5HNG;_ ylv=3?qid= 20120317095326AAvmfF9
Bravo Caz (or whoever you are.)
Caz, who once wrote brilliant jabberwocky is now writing drivel. What the hell happened to her "brain injury"? Is this another Yahoo fraud or am I missing something? question/index;_ylt= AjWm2mw8WbjUSzlSUuz.MNmn5HNG;_ ylv=3?qid= 20120313003419AAXhlKC
Billy, Billy, I liked this poem last week, now you strap it to a dirge and write four more lugubrious chapters. Wassamaterwitu? question/index;_ylt=Aiqjcy_ PBlj.K3EFtth5qD.n5HNG;_ylv=3? qid=20120314151710AAJ8fh1
Frederic picked this up, which the cow's had left, somewhere in a meadow: question/index;_ylt= Avb91h86fxr40Mjpp3b2sWyn5HNG;_ ylv=3?qid= 20120315153716AAxNvO1
Best and worst in one: question/index;_ylt= Ajw8eswlhMzd9zsG2ufaN3mn5HNG;_ ylv=3?qid= 20120313061936AAY0T19
The first half has been rewritten out of all that it was worth and the second half works, go figure!
Lastly indeterminate -- I have been so frustrated and disappointed by Dave of late that I want to point this one out even though I hated it because it is rare anymore that he writes this competently, even though the theme goes horribly awry: question/index;_ylt=Ah4ZZ1eN. ttiq48FziZrCDOn5HNG;_ylv=3? qid=20120315185010AA6U1Ew
At first this werk Adeline_cosine seemed to be the only player. Here is a good'un with lots of subtle meaning:
Kels gets a simple idea out beautifully:
All women this week, not a surprise as the men are too busy slugging it out, but this one is unique. Every time Caz tries to write in her old jabberwocky style it falls flat ( as this one did, in an earlier version,) but unlike her other efforts this one does not fall apart by being corrected:
Bravo Caz (or whoever you are.)
Caz, who once wrote brilliant jabberwocky is now writing drivel. What the hell happened to her "brain injury"? Is this another Yahoo fraud or am I missing something?
Billy, Billy, I liked this poem last week, now you strap it to a dirge and write four more lugubrious chapters. Wassamaterwitu?
Frederic picked this up, which the cow's had left, somewhere in a meadow:
Best and worst in one:
The first half has been rewritten out of all that it was worth and the second half works, go figure!
Lastly indeterminate -- I have been so frustrated and disappointed by Dave of late that I want to point this one out even though I hated it because it is rare anymore that he writes this competently, even though the theme goes horribly awry:
Dave Sold Out (1 month ago)
[I have given up on trying to deal with Dave, but this was written about a month ago, and I am posting all of my backlog of posts.]
After Dave praised this crap...
...he sold his value as a commentator. Praise your allies and insult people whom you disagree with. That is how to turn a poetry site into a dank sandbox.
Congrats Dave! question/index;_ylt= Ar54vcnFlJSrDq6E5N6CiTSn5HNG;_ ylv=3?qid= 20120315073308AAFrg3U
After Dave praised this crap...
...he sold his value as a commentator. Praise your allies and insult people whom you disagree with. That is how to turn a poetry site into a dank sandbox.
Congrats Dave!
More of my whining about Blogger
Blogger and email:
My old blogsite, which sucked had one good feature, you could email a post. Google gives allows you to make up your own @ddress which doesn't work, OR you can post to go.blogger and hope for the best. (It says the page does not exist)
If this appears it means I survived the attempt. (it didn't, I am reposting what Go Blogger refused here.) Years ago I worked for IBM and was amazed that they were unable to provide employees with access to the internet. The idea that Google cannot allow you to simply post by email is absurd. I almost feel like I am a hostage of the Internet again!
My old blogsite, which sucked had one good feature, you could email a post. Google gives allows you to make up your own @ddress which doesn't work, OR you can post to go.blogger and hope for the best. (It says the page does not exist)
If this appears it means I survived the attempt. (it didn't, I am reposting what Go Blogger refused here.) Years ago I worked for IBM and was amazed that they were unable to provide employees with access to the internet. The idea that Google cannot allow you to simply post by email is absurd. I almost feel like I am a hostage of the Internet again!
Best and Worst Third Week of March
Week four best and worst
Best:Na’ashjéii Asdzáá
A new light in Yahoo Poetry (Oops! It's just Nancy having us on:)
HD makes the list of course!
This is a cute little poem but because it is not so serious or so incredible it shouldn't be on my best list. It is there because everyone else is Yahoo has apparently abandoned poetry for Greek Wars.
Thank you, Funky:
Synopsis, are we plagiarizing now?
From Tara Mohr:
And at least she meant something interesting by the term.
Dallas recounting things in a mechanical and checklist fashion (with the odd aw shucks sticking out like spelling errors inna grammar book.) You cannot skim and bog down in regionalism at the same time, D:
Comments and Jibes
Stupid 101: weaseling for a compliment and bitching at the game you wanted to play at the same time:
(Neonman didn't go anywhere BY THE WAY)
Libby turns psychotic (with comments in parens from me:)
All is well in this world.
(If you've never seen the garbage seas [add link here])
The grain is harvested;
(and rots on the docks)
the men are fed.
(and the women and kids go hungry)
The women share this success.
(because you don't seem to realize they do 3/4 of the work for 1/4 less pay than the men get.)
Enough said. (Hardly)
Pity the poor soldier:
I am going to risk a new suggestion. Since Bannibal only writes "my world is fine God bless" or "my world is dark I want to die" perhaps he could be brought into details and focus, and she could take on large as life themes, if Dallas and TBO co-wrote a poem.
Peter/Milieu up to his old games. Those of us old enough to remember saw Peter as top Answerer, no Milieu as #2, 3, 4, etc... And then one day there was Milieu, formerly known as Peter.
The quote from Peter/Milieu: "While I love and admire and respect many men, there are many more I pity and ignore. I have never been a man, (wanted to be) nor have I ever hidden a man behind my skirts, probably because I don't wear skirts."
He has loved many men and despised many more, yeah right!
For Frederic, Synopsis, Danny R....
For Frederic, Synopsis, Danny R. and all the "say it for the 500th time" poets...
Boring rhyme opener blinkered with irony
verbal pyrotechnics, so deft and shiny;
toothsome metaphors, muted with pretenses,
an insensate, tasteless feast for the senses.
Now tell the story of a suffering child
bring on the Cossacks, go hog-wild,
succor the reader with and easy plant;
even teach minerals how to dance.
Eye-rony, mute, deaf-t and insensate;
child, hog, plant mineral, but wait!
This time show all the underpinnings,
bet 'gainst the joke and pocket the winnings.
Waste the reader's time with games
but not cliche drivel in poetry's name.
Boring rhyme opener blinkered with irony
verbal pyrotechnics, so deft and shiny;
toothsome metaphors, muted with pretenses,
an insensate, tasteless feast for the senses.
Now tell the story of a suffering child
bring on the Cossacks, go hog-wild,
succor the reader with and easy plant;
even teach minerals how to dance.
Eye-rony, mute, deaf-t and insensate;
child, hog, plant mineral, but wait!
This time show all the underpinnings,
bet 'gainst the joke and pocket the winnings.
Waste the reader's time with games
but not cliche drivel in poetry's name.
Peter/Corky Keener's attempt at humor
- Still posting crap from March 2012:
Here is Peter (as Corky Keener) throwing more accusations at me. Despite the homophobia and general ugliness of the words, this might be the closest thing Peter has written towards art. He posts:
See Corky Keener's (aka Peter's) post if it is still there: question/index;_ylt=AnM_. kOKNAWOpLxWUb.9U8On5HNG;_ylv= 3?qid=20120308151849AAoHYKy
Here is Peter (as Corky Keener) throwing more accusations at me. Despite the homophobia and general ugliness of the words, this might be the closest thing Peter has written towards art. He posts:
"Hank Guru" and his friend "Gayreek"
Have you seen a crop idiot appearing as Hank Guru?
He was the constant companion of a poet from Buru,
from buru buru he appeared in Poetry with a third eye
with his many accounts accompanying his crap high!
Short time ago, the idiot Hank Guru stopped blessing,
the poetry section, and altogether appeared addressing
in the Greek section, responding to posts very offensive
for Greece, since he was a philosopher far too pensive.
A fake account by the name "Gayreek" was the asker;
and Hank Guru received BA for answering the masker,
who was calling Greeks names with abnormal crop,
happy cause he took revenge for being a pink bee-bop.
The third eye of the Hank Guru was made for courting
because his Ugly creator was drinking Vodka tarting.
He was the Man and received lotsa BAs from his kin,
with his clown questions post-constructed just to win.
The idiot visited the Greek section where started tarting
meanwhile people there, "who's that idiot" were asking;
Proudly Hank Guru won a BA from Gayreek's excretion,
before realizing that his Gayreek wisdom won deletion.
See Corky Keener's (aka Peter's) post if it is still there:
I would swear I already posted this
Quote of the week (second Week in March 2012)
"Spring. A time of rebirth, growth. Winter has culled the weak.
- Na’ashjéii Asdzáá aka Nancy
See the context: question/index;_ylt= Aom3syAT2HKRGLc8ziW357in5HNG;_ ylv=3?qid= 20120306083733AAYCjkB
And to answer Cassie's post, the past is the past, but if I wanted to reminisce, I can't because my account has been suspended!!! Thanks for reminding me of reasons I might still be angry at the yahooligans that set me up.
I mostly went back to read poems I admired of others. Why I was slow to award stars was so that I wouldn't waste my own time going back. No wasted time now.
"Spring. A time of rebirth, growth. Winter has culled the weak.
- Na’ashjéii Asdzáá aka Nancy
See the context:
And to answer Cassie's post, the past is the past, but if I wanted to reminisce, I can't because my account has been suspended!!! Thanks for reminding me of reasons I might still be angry at the yahooligans that set me up.
I mostly went back to read poems I admired of others. Why I was slow to award stars was so that I wouldn't waste my own time going back. No wasted time now.
Best and Worst Second Week of March
Derrick Gaskin (although the Q was annoyingly phrased): question/index;_ylt=AjLOwlTH. K6bimfQMCa.fgqn5HNG;_ylv=3? qid=20120303130456AAp27Tr
A great one from ™ʎllıq®®: question/index;_ylt=AjLOwlTH. K6bimfQMCa.fgqn5HNG;_ylv=3? qid=20120305133040AATWqQ4
Not good or bad, just a poem of interest: question/index;_ylt= AtMczV1DMYeA8y8gPDZ3nMmn5HNG;_ ylv=3?qid= 20120304225715AAlVsqN
Rayven: question/index;_ylt=AjLOwlTH. K6bimfQMCa.fgqn5HNG;_ylv=3? qid=20120305085525AAWiTRz
Frederic: question/index;_ylt= AqOpbWHVdQlXlywiFdXcLten5HNG;_ ylv=3?qid= 20120305132651AAqxf1s
Love Child (wow, the pidgin English almost HELPS this one): question/index;_ylt= Ai17hfWdI41pkKgFO1eyfoyn5HNG;_ ylv=3?qid= 20120305110017AADeBnP
Unknown Soldier (worst cop-out, blank screen YouTube post): question/index;_ylt= AtMczV1DMYeA8y8gPDZ3nMmn5HNG;_ ylv=3?qid= 20120306060057AAt3hwn
Yes I mind when your video has no video!!!
Derrick Gaskin (although the Q was annoyingly phrased):
A great one from ™ʎllıq®®:
Not good or bad, just a poem of interest:
Love Child (wow, the pidgin English almost HELPS this one):
Unknown Soldier (worst cop-out, blank screen YouTube post):
Yes I mind when your video has no video!!!
-- A month ago, I was seeing everything my friend Love Child was writing as hostile to me. I have since come to understand that she was even more shell-shocked than I was by my suspension from Yahoo.
But in the spirit of fairness, I am posting ALL of the backlog of material I was writing a month ago, so here is my then rant about LC (LC forgive me!)
But in the spirit of fairness, I am posting ALL of the backlog of material I was writing a month ago, so here is my then rant about LC (LC forgive me!) question/index;_ylt= Ar2KNjEBmLKufYM43r2..t6n5HNG;_ ylv=3?qid= 20120305225723AAg4tGs
My comments on the above:
Again, another poem about blaming me for my fate. Yes let's all get along, the foxes in the hen house have GOTTEN their meal I am sure they will be no problem now.
Why is it cowardice to train dogs to do what they are evolutionarily meant to do?
The first two lines make no sense outside of the context of YAP, and thus those (like long-winded synopsis) who go on about making a separate poem obviously can't read. I on the other hand with my 20% comprehension rate, get the whole picture.
Sorry LC, or rather I wish YOU were sorry.
The above contradicts that posted below and makes it worthless:
http://lcgtribute.posterous. com/108276673
My comments on the above:
Again, another poem about blaming me for my fate. Yes let's all get along, the foxes in the hen house have GOTTEN their meal I am sure they will be no problem now.
Why is it cowardice to train dogs to do what they are evolutionarily meant to do?
The first two lines make no sense outside of the context of YAP, and thus those (like long-winded synopsis) who go on about making a separate poem obviously can't read. I on the other hand with my 20% comprehension rate, get the whole picture.
Sorry LC, or rather I wish YOU were sorry.
The above contradicts that posted below and makes it worthless:
How To Make Something Longwinded and Boring - Synopsis
-- I am posting a backlog of poems. rants, ideas and information. This was written in March but still applies:

Quote of the week (from the biggest show-off in Yahoo):
""Why should we write a school assignment for someone else? Aren't we here to support each other, rather than to do each others' work?"
I suspect people's motivations for what they do are as various as people are.
Some people come here motivated by a genuine love of poetry. Others just come here to show off."
The original question: question/index;_ylt=AqDZ.. LSnKpB2Ey3jAixPI6n5HNG;_ylv=3? qid=20120304030239AAtqoGi
It is also the shortest answer synopsis has ever given.
Can you find examples (pre-this post) of synopsis being pithy instead of just pissy?
""Why should we write a school assignment for someone else? Aren't we here to support each other, rather than to do each others' work?"
I suspect people's motivations for what they do are as various as people are.
Some people come here motivated by a genuine love of poetry. Others just come here to show off."
The original question:
It is also the shortest answer synopsis has ever given.
Can you find examples (pre-this post) of synopsis being pithy instead of just pissy?
Best/Worst List Week Ending March 1st
-- I was unable to post my Best/Worst Lists in a timely manner, so here they go from my files.
I am disappointed that Dave, Brian and company have been so busy trashing people and writing trivial pursuits they have not posted anything inspiring. I have not been bothering to read Nancy lately (too long and dull) so if she writes something good, someone please let me know?
Best of week:
Sue's Verde Rock poem question/index;_ylt= Al70FXMTIgbS5uR5mweoCCen5HNG;_ ylv=3?qid= 20120225153424AAUP91T
Sue's crack poem: question/index;_ylt= Ai17hfWdI41pkKgFO1eyfoyn5HNG;_ ylv=3?qid= 20120229083109AAnSA81
HD's Chronic Echoes: question/index;_ylt=AhHhqydhL. xNYsuiqgt7vmOn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid= 20120229111619AAFOnPu
Worst of the week:
Peter "Gae" Sonnet: question/index;_ylt=AjLOwlTH. K6bimfQMCa.fgqn5HNG;_ylv=3? qid=20120301064230AAJxrbb
And we are glad to see Mythic around, even if the poem sucks: question/index;_ylt= AgXX9Xkzm7w_JwK2BaceD6yn5HNG;_ ylv=3?qid= 20120229231419AAkqLE8 question/index;_ylt= Al70FXMTIgbS5uR5mweoCCen5HNG;_ ylv=3?qid= 20120229191013AAA8YF3
And Last, but least: Neon: question/index;_ylt=AjLOwlTH. K6bimfQMCa.fgqn5HNG;_ylv=3? qid=20120301073126AANQTI0
Best and worst of the week list #1
I am disappointed that Dave, Brian and company have been so busy trashing people and writing trivial pursuits they have not posted anything inspiring. I have not been bothering to read Nancy lately (too long and dull) so if she writes something good, someone please let me know?
Best of week:
Sue's Verde Rock poem
Sue's crack poem:
HD's Chronic Echoes:
Worst of the week:
Peter "Gae" Sonnet:
And we are glad to see Mythic around, even if the poem sucks:
(This was written over a month ago. Things have improved since then!)
I know this isn't meant to be much, but I am starting to dread opening my friend LC's link:
And Last, but least: Neon:
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
The Coastal Cloud (Clamoring Ocean's Madrigal)
Alpha Gio Whatever wrote some pretty sounding gibberish which I rewrote into English as THIS:
The Coastal Cloud
(Clamoring Ocean's Madrigal)
Drops of twinkling rain she was expecting,
tinge her sweet nocturnal form with spray
clamouring (for) ocean's madrigal of spray
Was she a little wraith form blue bayou'd
a drenched form wisping 'round the empty quay;
Drops of twinkling rain she was expecting,
Pelted fields look upward toward the skies,
smiling, dreaming forms made out of clay,
clamouring (for) ocean's madrigal of spray
Formed as faraway line of April's dew
announcing winter's wake to skies of gray
Drops of twinkling rain she was expecting,
Lithe and listless hanging o'er seaview
a drenched form wisping 'round the empty quay
clamouring (for) ocean's madrigal of spray
She was incomprehensible, agleaming blue,
tinge her sweet nocturnal form with spray
Drops of twinkling rain she was expecting...
...clamouring (for) ocean's madrigal of spray.
(This is a rewrite of Clamor of Madrigal, which so scared AGW, that he reported it so no one could compare his gibberish to mine. I am not linking to his because why should I benefit him when he attacks me?)
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