Tuesday, February 28, 2012

New Yahoo Definitions

New Yahoo Definitions

A long and repetitive peroration going above, under and around the subject that it is a response to telling more than you ever wanted to know about every trivial aspects possible that can diminish, obscure and pretend to outshine your original subject -
a synopsis!

The state of being an outgoing friend who speak for a shadowy figure  -
to be shy!

A creature that destroys trees to make the world safe for acorns -
a squirrel!

Asking folks to restrain themselves while they are being slaughtered  -
a peacemaker!

"Why can't we all just get along?" - British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, dismissing concerns about Hitler's annexation of Austria and Czechoslovakia, 1938.

Did I miss anyone? Oh Yeah:

To always be charming despite always being on the wrong side of things -
a libby*!

*Euphemism for liberal. Some of my best friends are liberals.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Why Reopen the Scars?

Response to Libby

The ground came open

and Hiram got closed in
In some perverse universe
we should rescue him.
But open again healed scar?
Feel that pain again?
Wanting Ian or Hiram back
is masochism pain.

Enjoy the friendly banter

But don't mention fallen foes
It's perfectly possible
To walk around without toes,
But if the lack of wiggle room
leads poetry's star to set
Just decry the excitement
of the "put down"
as too much to forget?

Why did things go so awry?

When did this ever really work
Do you remember?
Do you want that again?
Freedom comes with a jerk.
So blame the one's who flee this place
Treat reminiscence with scorn
When your acid tongue
is stolen too
will it then be okay to mourn?

Sunday, February 26, 2012

When Danny Met Nancy

Nancy's post:


Nancy, I can make a very quiet peace as I have no say in Yahoo war or Yahoo peace. I am the Troll-wars corpse screaming from the grave.
Beg me to forget that I am a casualty all you like but I am stuck in amber. A squirrel put a bullet in me, to impress the ladies. "This is how you take a man down." But I am down, and calls for peace (which rankled me when I was allowed in Yahoo,) read as spitting on my corpse now.

Danny gives us a really nice poem:

And then bores us with a lyrics-challenged Adele-clone:


But wait, maybe I should only say nice things. WWND? What Would Nancy Do?

Oh, I'm okay, just confused by poetic rhetoric.

Women and Male Manipulation

I read a poem by Stella Rhodes today;

As a feminist, I will ignore the fact that this is not a poem and just say that this is an admirable expression of the pain of disenfranchisement that women experience at the hand of male dominance and brutality.

It speaks to insecurity when that often underlies women posting, their need for constant reinforcement (males can often critique each other and respond "F you" to the critic, all the while learning what they can from them, whereas most women, weakened by male manipulative criticism, have to develop trusted sources, that too often will never tell them the truth so they can grow.) This piece talks about the underlying root of many women's trust issues and

It spreads to women needing to be the peacemakers instead of learning how to say "No."

Lastly it leads to a type of woman, the crusader, who stifles free speech in Yahoo in the name of PC anti-bullying.

As a typical male, I read this and make it about MY situation. But what I want to see is the poem where a woman reacts like a man to these overtures, "Why would I want to do that? I said no already.  Are you threatening me? I'll blow your fugging head off if you threaten me again (and mean it!)"

That is the poem I'd like to see. I don't want to blame the victim, but no one else can rescue her, but herself.

My Friend, I am suspended, NOT DEAD!

What I would say if I were there.
A few comments on Love Child's defense of (pernicious) cliches:

Love Child Writes:

If we do not heed the lessons in cliches we so avoid,
our little parcel of paradise might just be destroyed.
Doing unto others what you cannot stand the thought of
is turning clandestine, subversive plots, there are a lot of.
I beg of everyone to take note of what you discover;
let us not pull wool over the eyes of one another.
Confront discreetly, with respect, by asking for the truth.
Do not be convinced of anything without valid proof.
And most of all don't use a neutral post to air your feud!
Will my poetic friends create a pleasant interlude?
Can I get your cooperation and make February 24th
a day all about writing poems that stand on their own worth?

---Okay, why don't you go first. That read like ten miles of bad road. How do you suggest I comment politely on being silenced? F--- that! When did you start working for Yahoo Answers? You are endorsing the removal of free speech. I would say I like the music but hate the lyrics if this weren't such a ham-handed piece. There is something to be said for not sharing every thought that comes into our heads, but defending the censors??  Maybe this one should have been self-censored.

I am feeling betrayed, not by the disagreement, but that you suddenly disagree with everything I stand for the minute I am unable to respond in Yahoo. Like someone did you a favor by getting rid of me.

The Original:

Tragedy of Hate Fake Mail?

I received an email purporting to be from Tragedy of Hate, of the recently nice poem i linked to, but it was one of those 1-way accounts that Yahoo uses to send info and not receive. I think they may be harassing me now. What are those links again?

Email address covered so I don't get sued. I got a failure message for this response: 

Dear Tragedy,

Read my latest blog post. Scooter is a professional attack dog who has people removed from sites to demonstrate how to use anti-bullying software/techniques.

She is probably using me on slides to demonstrate how to make ANY behavior seem like bullying. If I were to come back, I could be added to her "stalker" presentation.

How are you? Nice poem the other day.


A Cyber-Bully's Confession???

[I have disavowed any attempts to characterize Scooter the Squirrel as part of this continuing problem.He/She was apparently unaware of the effect of their words and removed them when made aware. Reference to Scooter below is merely attributing the SOURCE of the remarks.]

A Cyber-Bully's Confession???

After declaring that she or he had nothing to do with my removal from Yahoo, Scooter the Squirrel gave a lesson in tactics how to find some web site or group that can describe any behavior you like as harassment so you can cyber-attack and cyber-bully by using anti-bullying systems against anyone you like.

Below is a statement from SCOOTER THE SQUIRREL, and it is advice on how to use anti-harassment systems to have people ejected from Yahoo Answers despite their years of earnest contribution, aka how to abuse in the name of preventing abuse. (Parentheses below are this editor's comments)

Scooter says:

Report this to the following email-> y_answrs_team@yahoo.com

You can report them to the Authorities. Here is the site that helps with Computer harassment/stalking->


I'm know I'm not a regular in this section but i will do whatever it takes to help. I'm in. (This is expressing a vendetta which is abuser behavior.)

These are additional links involving on how to take action against online harassment/stalking->



http://www.rainn.org/cyberstalking (This one doesn't exist? But it is always good to list three links as it feels more thorough!)

Know what's going on everyone. No one has to feel helpless. (unless someone is using these "protective" systems to abuse YOU and pretending to be innocent!) Something can be done against cowards who feel they can hide behind a computer & stalk/harass people for no reason. (But nothing can be done about liars who use abuse protection to attack random people!) I will also be posting these links on my profile for anyone that needs them.

(Read the original question that prompted Scooter to confess to cyber-attacking me so as to remove me from Yahoo:

Now stop saying you didn't get me removed Scoot, and get your friends (Lapiz) to stop lying and saying I wasn't suspended!)

The Real, Real YAP-Wars

The Real, Real YAP-Wars
A Borrowing of a Borrowing (originals by Cheese Whisperer and Neonman.)

Cheese: “Listen, Daveboy, you get your ass out of this hole and go scrounge us up some ammo, or I will shoot you myself!”

Dave: (laughing at Hiram's corpse) “... he blew himself up...he blew himself up...all he has to do is reconstitute himself. If he wants to be a possum that is his problem. Let's hang this on Gio!"

Nancy: “Oh, Cripe, Daveboy, Yes, Harry blew himself up! He always was an ass, so quit gibbering like an idiot and scratch my back!"

Neon: (gleefully) “Hiram is a fraud and he says I am a lousy poet. How can you believe a guy who says I am a lousy poet. Besides which we got along really well, there was no conspiracy, I can define imaginary, but plausible things as not so, because I am the arbiter of Yahoo reality, I have forty more answers for those who don't believe these ones, I am defending the innocence of his absence over and over because I am completely uninvolved and have no remorse, besides which, who really cares, I never really liked the guy, but we got along swell.  Teapot Dome- er I mean, Rosebud."

Lizzy: (dabbing at her flak-jacket–trying to soak-up some of Harry’s guts) “Neon! Why you ungrateful little...”

Shultzie: (pulls a knife and holds it to Neon’s throat) “That’s enough of that, Charlie. One more word about H.H. and I’ll be taking your gizzard home in a coffee can.”

Neon: (laughing) “Just as Daveboy says Harry could have 50 accounts and be just like Peter and Dave and Me and Gio. Isn't that what this war is about? Who will be the dominant vampire?"

Daveboy: (still dazed) “I never thought they would fight back, and against Harry? I'm much more vocal."

Cheese: “I tried to tell you bastards...the Greeks can be trusted. Would any of you listen? No.”

Nancy: "Peter isn't Greek!"

Cheese: (quietly) “Neon, you wanna tell her......or should I?”

Neon: “Wonderful, lets blow the section up for just enjoyment, is that your M.O., Cheese? Do what I do, make peace noises (while furiously emailing people to take sides.) It's much more rewarding."

Nancy: (loudly) “What was that, Neon? Speak up!!!”

Neon:...(laughing) “Peter is not Gio Nancy, repeat what you said earlier,  Peter is not Gio!”

Shultzie: “Oh for the love of god...”

Lizzy: “Shultzie, give me your knife...”

Neon: (quietly) "I don’t think you want to do that Liz."

Lizzy: (incredulous) “Oh??? And why is that?”

Neon: (in a rush) "Because another grenade just landed behind you! LOOK OUT!!!"

Lapiz: "There are no grenades, Hiram just made them up." (Neon, grabs the grenade, throws it back towards Dave.)

Dave: "I've survived a hundred of these" His avatar blows up and two take it's place.

Lizzy: “Jee Dang* (Pulls another tissue out of her sleeve and once again begins dabbing) now I have to open my contacts again to reconnect to Dave."

Nancy: "Weeeeee! This is fun! (claps hands) Who’s next? Cheesy?” (she’s obviously lost her mind, but not this week.)

CW: "Uhhh, who Chucked that one to start with? What the heck was he thinking?”

(Suddenly Sue drops into the foxhole and lands in a heap. she has a full pack on her back and her hand is clutching the strap of a fifty-pound duffle. “How you guys doing for ammo?”

Dave: (runs over to Ma, helps her to a sitting position) “Holy sh*t, Ma, where the hell did you come from??? Did I hear you say you got ammo?” (he doesn’t wait for her to answer...he unzips duffle and begins to distribute full clips. (sounds of slides being pulled, clips being slapped into position, murmuring, etc)

Sue: (a horrified expression) “Is...Is that Harry?” (points at H.H.) “Oh my God, that poor, poor boy...” (shakes head)

Lizzy: "Nah, that's just two more Dave avatars for the scrap heap. It's starting to look like a Bukowski Holocaust Museum around here.

Sue: (glances across the lines) Hey that side is pretty thick with Peters too. Looks like the lounge at the Simon Bar Sinister Convention.

Neon: (smiling) “See Cheese, that’s how you write a script.”

Cheese: (smiling too) “ Yes, take credit for my doing 90% of the work."

Neon: "Well how else can I write something that isn't mediocre?"

Cheese: (wiping his hands, taking the script walking away) “Arent you the one who slammed Harry for doing parodies all the time?"

(Grand finale: The whole place blows up as Simon Bar Sinister and Charles "Neonman" Quisling walk away. Nancy survives by wrapping herself in so much extra verbiage no one can get through it, while Cheese writes himself a way out as none of these suckers ever could. Dave comes back as Aladdin and the Forty Avatars.)

Tragedy of Hate said it better than any of us: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AhHhqydhL.xNYsuiqgt7vmOn5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120222053346AA03ID3

Thanks to Derrick Gaskin

Thanks to Derrick Gaskin for asking about me in Yahoo Answers.
This is where I have gone!!! Welcome to Hiram Unleashed!!!!